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A combustible gas detector based on single chip microcomputer
Abstract:In this paper, a combustible gas detector is designed based on the principle and application of single-chip microcomputer. MSP430F149 single-chip microcomputer has high processing precision and adopts the main control module of the system.By detecting the combustible gas (such as methane, hydrogen, etc.) through the NAP-55A gas sensor, the output signal is converted to digital information through the A/D conversion function inside the STM32 single chip microcomputer.A serial port communication to transmit information to data processing within the MSP430 MCU and send it to LCD real-time display.At the same time, if detection concentration values more than safe, controlled by single chip microcomputer signal alarm, sound and light alarm circuit to detect the current environment gas concentration, transfinite alarm, prevention of accidents and protect the personal safety and property safety.In addition, this combustible gas detector is a practical design with convenient transportation, low power consumption, high sensitivity and reliability.
Keywords: MSP430F149 single-chip microcomputer; NAP-55A gas sensor; combustible gas detection; liquid crystal display; sound and light alarm

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外有关气体检测的发展历史及现状 2
1.3 本文结构安排 3
第二章 系统总体设计 4
2.1 系统功能描述 4
2.2 系统总设计框架 4
2.3 本章小结 5
第三章 系统硬件设计 6
3.1 MSP430单片机系统设计 6
3.1.1 MSP430F149单片机介绍 6
3.1.2 晶振设计 7
3.1.2 复位电路设计 7
3.2 传感器模块设计 8
3.2.1 传感器原理简介 8
3.2.2 传感器探测板电路设计 9
3.3 STM32 模块设计 11
3.3.1 STM32F030F4P6芯片介绍 11
3.3.2 STM32模块控制板电路设计 12
3.4 液晶显示模块设计 13
3.4.1 LCD12864的介绍 13
3.4.2 LCD12864液晶显示电路设计 14
3.5 声光报警电路设计 14
3.6 本章小结 15
第四章 系统软件设计 16
4.1 MSP430主程序设计 16
4.2 STM32模块程序设计 17
4.2.1 AD转换子程序设计 17
4.2.2 串口子程序设计 18
4.3 LCD液晶显示程序设计 18
4.4 本章小结 19
第五章 系统调试 20
5.1 系统硬件调试 20
5.2 系统软件调试 21
5.3 系统总调试结果展示 22
5.4 本章小结 24
第六章 总结与展望 25
6.1 本文总结 25
6.2 工作展望 25
参考文献 27
致 谢 29
附录1 30
附录2 31