摘 要
本文设计的多功能语音数字钟主要采用STC89C52单片机作为主控核心,由DS1302时钟芯片提供时钟、DS18B20采集温度、LCD1602液晶屏进行显示、万年历语音芯片进行报时。系统主要由按键部分、时钟部分、温度部分、语音报时部分及显示部分五个模块组成。本文详细的介绍了设计过程,每个芯片的用法和功能,程序的编写方法以及总体设计方案。程序在Keil上用C语言进行编写,下载到下载器中,使用Altium Designer软件设计硬件电路绘制PCB原理图,最后焊接硬件电路,使多功能语音数字钟可以实现显示万年历和温度的功能,中文语音播报使时间更加的生动。
From ancient times to the present, the time for everyone is very important standard to weigh , everyone will be influenceby the time , in today's society,which is a rapid development of the society, human beings can not be separated from the race with time. At this point, we need to measure the time of a scale, electronic digital clock has become important in our daily life partner, looking at the time passes in a hurry, reminding us to cherish the time and accelerating the pace of the, in a limited time to do more things. For the elderly and children, more human nature of the clock can be more effective to remind them of their time.
In this paper, the design of the multifunctional digital voice clock mainly adopts STC89C52 as the core of the main control, and the DS1302 clock chip provides clock, DS18B20 temperature acquisition, the LCD1602 screen display, calendar chips for voice timekeeping. The system is mainly composed of a key part and a clock part, temperature, time voice part and the display part is composed of five modules. This paper describes in detail the design process, the use and function of each chip, the preparation method of the program and the overall design of the program. Program in keil use C language to write, and then download to downloader .Using Altium Designer software to design and hardware circuit PCB schematic drawing.Final ly,welding hardware circuit.Voice multi-function digital clock can display the function of calendar and temperature, Chinese speech broadcast time is more vivid.
The result of the design shows that the multifunctional digital clock has the advantages of convenient reading, more diversified and humanized function, and it has a very broad market prospect.
Keywords: digital clock;microcontroller;LCD display;temperature;voice broadcast

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的意义 1
1.2本文的主要的研究工作 1
1.2.1研究内容 1
1.2.2论文章节安排 2
1.3本章小结 2
第2章 相关芯片的调研和选择 3
2.1单片机芯片的选择 3
2.2显示模块选择 3
2.3时钟芯片的选择 3
2.4温度传感器的选择 4
2.5语音报时系统的选择 4
2.6电路设计最终方案决定 4
2.7本章小结 5
第3章 多功能语音数字钟的电路设计 6
3.1 系统的设计思路 6
3.1.1设计流程和预期成果 6
3.2主要单元电路的设计 7
3.2.1 STC89C52单片机简介 7
3.2.2 单片机主控制模块的设计 8
3.2.3 时钟电路模块的设计 10
3.2.4 温度传感器电路设计 12
3.2.5 语音播报设计 13
3.2.6 闹钟报警及温度预警电路设计 14
3.2.7 独立式键盘设计 15
3.2.8 显示模块的设计 15
3.3本章小结 17
第4章 多功能语音数字钟的软件设计 18
4.1程序流程图 18
4.1.1 系统总流程图 18
4.1.2 温度程序流程图 19
4.1.3 DS1302时钟程序流程图 20
4.1.4 LCD显示程序流程图 20
4.2程序的设计 21
4.2.1 DS18B20测温程序设计 21
4.2.2 DS1302读写程序设计 22
4.2.3液晶显示程序设计 22
4.2.4语音整点报时程序设计 23
4.3本章小结 24
第5章 软硬件调试 25
5.1硬件调试 25
5.1.1硬件焊接 26
5.1.2硬件检查 26
5.2 软件调试 26
5.3 实物测试与分析 27
第6章 总结与展望 29
参考文献 30
附录A 31
附录B 32
致 谢 48