Waveform generator is very widely used in the military, aviation, aerospace manufacturing, medical and other industries applications,it’s share in the market is still large. we are always concerned about frequency accuracy, frequency stability, amplitude accuracy, signal distortion givers, as well as its output channels, waveform editing,Generating of waveforms , download capacity in the selection of waveform generator.In short, with the applications have increased widely ,the performance requirements will be gradually increased.
Discreting a waveform cycle is the main idea of the design ,then there will be single-chip memory for each discrete point ,each discrete data gradually passed DAC0832 digital to analog conversion after timer delay.The 8255A is used for I / O port of master expansion in the hardware circuit, and liquid crystal 12,864 display waveform parameters.This design uses Proteus for simulation software, Keil for software written in C language.
This design can be manually input waveform parameters and send corresponding waveform. it has a development value because of using inexpensive chip which are more practical and meeting the entire economy.
Keywords: waveform generator, microcontroller, DAC0832,8255A, LCD, Proteus software, Keil Software

1.1 设计背景 1
1.2 设计目的及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究状态 2
第2章 设计的基本内容及方案选择 3
2.1 设计的基本内容 3
2.2 总体方案选择 3
2.3 子系统模块方案选择和相关芯片的选型 4
2.3.1主控器的选择 4
2.3.2按键模块的选择 4
2.3.3显示模块的选择 5
2.3.4 数模转换模块 5
2.3.5运算放大器的选择 6
2.3.6 调频模块的设计 6
2.3.7调幅模块的设计 8
第3章 模块设计电路 9
3.1 单片机最小系统 9
3.1.3复位电路 13
3.2 按键电路与单片机的连接 13
3.3 I/O扩展模块和显示模块电路 14
3.3.112864液晶显示器介绍 14
3.3.28255A芯片介绍 16
3.3.3 模块电路分析 18
3.4 调频模块设计及电路 19
3.4.1 数模转换器DAC0832 19
3.4.2调幅模块电路设计与分析 20
3.5 电源模块设计 20
第4章 软件设计 22
4.1 仿真软件 22
4.1.1 protues介绍 22
4.1.2 keil 软件介绍 22
4.1.3 Keil与Protues的连接 23
4.2模块程序设计 23
4.2.1 主程序设计 23
4.2.2 按键子程序设计 24
4.2.3 液晶显示子程序 25
4.2.4波形子程序设计 26
第5章 仿真结果 30
5.1 正弦波的仿真 30
5.2 三角波的仿真 32
5.3方波的仿真 34
第6章 总结 36
参考文献 37
致谢 38
附录A 系统硬件原理图 39
附录B 程序代码 40
附录C 元器件清单 55