China's economic and social development, the continuous progress of science and technology, the gradual increase of the comprehensive strength accelerate the process of urbanization and development of highway transportation. More and more families choose to take the car as a means of travel, and the constant velocity universal joint as an important part of the car, which has a direct impact on the performance of the car. based on the practical application point of view, the paper explain the design of the static strength test bench of the car based on MCU according to the contents of the MCU and hardware circuit. The static strength test of automotive constant velocity universal joint is divided into the torsional angle measuring and measurement of torque,the torsional angle measuring part is driven by the rotation of the photoelectric encoder to direct output signal to the MCU when rotating constant speed universal joint, and display the data in the LCD screen , torsion angle measurement accuracy can be achieved one degree; the torque measurement part is through rotating torque sensor and output torque signal to three op amp high CMRR amplifier circuit,amplifier circuit, phase ratio of two order RC passive low-pass filter circuit ,then the signal is delivered to the MCU and display in the LCD screen through the rotation of the photoelectric encoder, the resolution of torque measurement can reach 0.80N•m.This measurement and control system can be simple and easy to realize the measurement of torque and twist angle of constant velocity joint, but it still needs further improvement in precision.
Key words:constant velocity universal joint; photoelectric encoder; torque
sensor; mcu

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外现状分析 2
1.3 方案选择 3
1.4 论文的主要内容 6
第2章 系统总体设计 8
2.1系统功能描述 8
2.2总体设计框图 8
2.3总体功能模块 9
第3章 功能模块设计 11
3.1 传感器的选择 11
3.1.1 光电编码器工作原理 12
3.1.2 扭矩传感器工作原理 13
3.2信号放大电路的选择 15
3.2.1三运放高共模抑制比放大电路 16
3.2.2同相比例放大器 17
3.3 滤波电路的选择 18
3.4AD转换模块 19
3.4.1 ADC0804的引脚连接方式 20
3.4.2 ADC0804的工作原理 21
3.4.3 AD转换程序 22
3.5 LCD液晶显示 24
3.5.1 LCD1602的硬件接口介绍 24
3.5.2 LCD1602的读写时序介绍 26
第4章 现象描述 30
第5章 精度分析 30
第6章 硬件成本核算 32
第7章 总结 33
7.1全文总结 34
7.2研究展望 35
参考文献 36
致谢 38