摘 要
With the advent of the information age, the rapid development of computer technology and sensor technology,The serious impact of industrialization on the ecological environment makes people realize that sustainable development is the only way we can go.Therefore, the monitoring system of plant environment has become a hot topic in the modern research, the temperature, humidity, light intensity, soil moisture and carbon dioxide concentration in the environment affect the growth of plants,This design is mainly for plant growth environment of these factors, based on single-chip microcomputer as the core, the design of temperature and humidity, light intensity, CO2 concentration and soil moisture plant environmental monitoring alarm system based on.Signal detection and processing and signal output by the sensor to the surrounding environment parametersDesign hardware circuit and write software program. According to the user needs, the keyboard set the upper and lower parameters, LCD display, according to the reception signal data is beyond the upper and lower limits for LED and buzzer sound and light alarm,To achieve the purpose of monitoring the environment around the plant
Key Words:Single chip microcomputer、sensor、Plant growth environment、monitor

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的依据和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3课题研究内容 2
第二章 基于单片机的植物生长环境监测系统的总体设计 2
2.1植物检测系统的原理 2
2.2总体设计方案 3
2.3基于单片机的植物生长环境监测系统的整体结构 3
2.4环境因素对植物生长环境的影响 4
第三章 系统硬件组成及原理 5
3.1系统总电路图 5
3.2 DHT11模块 6
3.2.1 DHT11的资料及工作原理 6
3.2.2 DHT11接口电路 7
3.4光照传感器模块 8
3.4.1 TSL2561概述 8
3.4.2 TSL2561的引脚功能 8
3.4.3 TSL2561的内部结构和工作原理 9
3.4.4 TSL2561与单片机接口电路 10
3.5 CO2浓度传感器模块 10
3.5.1 MS4100传感器概述 10
3.5.2 放大电路的设计 11
3.5.3 A/D转换及其接口电路 12
3.6土壤湿度传感器模块 13
3.6.1 YL-69概述 13
3.6.2 ADC0832功能特点及引脚 13
3.7单片机模块 14
3.8复位电路设计 15
3.9外部晶振时钟电路设计 15
3.10键盘 16
3.11 LCD1602显示模块 17
3.11.1显示器LCD1602特点与简介 17
3.11.2 LCD1602基本参数及引脚功能 17
3.11.3 LCD1602的指令说明及时序 18
3.11.4 LCD1602的RAM地址映射 18
3.11.5 1602LCD的与单片机的连接电路 19
3.12 指示灯与单片机的连接 19
3.13 蜂鸣器报警电路与单片机的连接 20
第四章 系统软件模块和流程图 20
4.1编程语言的选择和软件的选用 20
4.2主程序流程图 20
4.3按键扫描模块 22
4.4 LCD1602显示模块 22
4.5温湿度传感器SHT11模块 23
4.6光照度传感器TSL2561模块 24
4.7 CO2浓度传感器模块 25
4.8土壤湿度传感器模块 26
4.9报警程序模块 27
第五章 实物制作 29
5.1实物展示 29
5.2功能展示 30
5.2.1 温度报警 30
5.2.2 湿度报警 31
第六章 总结与展望 32
6.1总结 32
6.2展望 32
参考文献 32
致谢 33