关键词:字符分割 车牌识别 单片机
Study on Character Recognition and MCU Display
Character recognition technology has always been a comprehensive research topic in the field of vision and recognition, and it has been applied to digital image processing technology. The license plate as an important symbol of the vehicle, as the name of the person is identifiable, the accurate identification of the license plate plays an important role in the management of the vehicle and the maintenance of the traffic order. This subject mainly through the license plate correction, license plate pretreatment, license plate area extraction, segmentation, identification, and then through the microcontroller to display the license plate, a set of complete system character recognition method.
The main research methods of this topic are as follows:Firstly,after using MATLAB to perform a series of preprocessing on the collected original images,the proper threshold value is selected to divide the license plate,and then the standard characters are compared to divide the seven characters and then identify the license plate..Then through programming transformation to extract the standard 8 by 8 or 16 by 16 binary matrix,the matrix composed of 0,1 code is converted into 16 words,thus establishing MATLAB and the microcontroller.Finally,use STC89C51 microcontroller to build a clock circuit,drive circuit,display circuit to achieve the character display,the clock circuit for the microcontroller to provide a fixed-frequency operating state,the drive circuit can select the output line to receive P2 port,scan column received P0 port,the use of LED display The screen displays characters to achieve the purpose of displaying the license plate.
Key Words:Character segmentation;license plate recognition;single-chip computer

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题目的 2
1.4 课题主要研究的内容 2
第二章 软硬件介绍及电路设计 4
2.1 点阵介绍 4
2.2 芯片简介 4
2.3 Keil软件介绍及配置 5
2.3.1 Keil的配置 6
2.4 电路设计 7
2.4.1 时钟电路 8
2.4.2 复位电路 9
2.4.3 电源电路 9
2.4.4 74HC573简介 10
2.4.5 驱动及显示电路 11
2.5 电路测试 11
第三章 车牌识别系统 13
3.1 车牌处理流程 13
3.2 原始图像 13
3.3 倾斜校正 13
3.4 图像预处理 14
3.4.1 图像的边缘检测 15
3.4.2 图像的腐蚀 16
3.4.3 图像闭运算 17
3.4.4 移除细小部分 17
3.5 提取车牌区域 18
3.6 字符切割 20
3.7 图像识别 21
3.8 简单的GUI设计 22
3.9 总结 23
第四章 提取矩阵及显示字符 24
4.1 提取字符矩阵 24
4.2 矩阵规范化 25
4.3 8×8点阵行扫描显示车牌 26
4.3.1 8×8点阵的不足 28
4.4 16×16点阵的制作和测试 28
4.5 显示车牌字母“C” 30
4.6 16×16点阵列扫描车牌显示 31
第五章 结语 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36 |