基于单片机的LED组合式汽车 尾灯控制系统设计(附程序,电气原理图,PCB图)(任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,论文12000字,电气原理图,PCB图)
本文是基于8051系列单片机对汽车尾灯进行模拟,实现汽车尾灯的智能化控制。用八个LED灯(发光二极管)来模拟汽车信号灯的亮灭信号,用六个独立按键分别模拟汽车指示灯旋转钮的右转指示灯旋钮、左转指示灯旋钮、检查信号灯按钮、刹车指示灯按钮等不同灯亮变化情况。在设计电路的方案过程中,用 LCD1602点阵显示屏作为灯亮信号显示器,可更加直观的观察到灯亮情况,本设计可应用于复杂的路况,具有直观、便捷、安全指数高等多个优点。在设计实际控制电路前,需要对发光二极管的驱动电路特性、LCD1602点阵显示屏的显示特性进行了解,掌握它们的电路特点,然后再设计出可行性的方案。程序编程前,了解并熟悉keil软件的使用方法,依托所学过的 C语言编程开发知识,综合运用本课程中学习到的51单片机的功能与运用。51单片机具有可反复擦写、性能优、可靠性高等优点,故在本次设计模拟电路中,驱动电路的核心芯片首选STC89C51型号单片机,可足以控制整个电路设计系统的全部功能,这使得整个系统的制作变的简单、操作较为方便。
This paper mainly uses the 8051 series microcontroller to simulate the car taillights for intelligent control of the controller, this time using eight LED light-emitting diode lamp simulation car taillights, six independent four-corner keys corresponding to the car lights turn right, turn left, dangerous warning , Check the signal lights, brakes in different states, in the actual design of the analog circuit, I joined the LCD1602 LCD screen, can be more intuitive to observe the light situation, in complex road driving, this is a good way to achieve, There are several advantages. In the actual design of simulated automotive taillight control circuits, the characteristics of the LED driver circuit are understood, corresponding solutions are proposed, and reliability design is performed. In this design of the analog car taillight control circuit, we can well use the functions and applications of the 51 SCM we learned in the course. We use C language for programming, analog electronic circuits, and digital circuits. In fact, in practical applications, there are many ways to achieve the lighting control of the car taillights. In this design of the analog circuit, I use the STC89C51 microcontroller as the design core of the entire circuit to control the simulation function of the entire circuit. Therefore, The 51-chip microcomputer has the advantages of repeated writing, excellent performance, and high reliability.
Keywords:STC89C51、LCD1602、LED, production, C language

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1课题的研究背景及介绍 1
1.2汽车尾灯国内外研究现状 2
1.3汽车尾灯控制系统设计目标 3
1.4论文组织结构 3
第二章 汽车尾灯控制器硬件设计 5
2.1单片机技术简介 5
2.2硬件设计系统框架及功能 7
2.3 STC89C51单片机芯片 8
2.4 LCD1602点阵显示模块 11
2.5 LED灯显示电路的设计 14
2.6 按键控制电路 16
2.7 本章小结 16
第三章 汽车尾灯控制器软件设计 17
3.1编程软件Keil4的应用 17
3.2仿真软件Proteus的应用 18
3.3 程序设计 19
3.4 仿真测试 21
3.5本章小结 22
第四章 组装与调试 23
4.1 元器件的选择 23
4.2 pcb版的制作 23
4.3硬件电路检测 26
4.4本章小结 27
第五章 总结及未来展望 28
参考文献 30
致谢 31