摘 要
关键词:智能路灯 单片机 光线检测 人体检测 时间模块
Design and implementation of intelligent street light system based on single chip microcomputer
Since our country has entered the 21st century, we have constructed a large number of national highways, provincial towns and rural roads. The total mileage reached the highest. So the use of street lights is huge, but the problem is in many places there are few pedestrians and vehicles at night, so a lot of street lights lit led to a huge waste of resources. Thus design a human body, light and time three elements of common collaboration, 52 single-chip control center for the intelligent energy-saving system is imperative. The system uses human body detection, light detection, time module and 52 single-chip combination, HC-SR501 human body detection module for human body signal, photo-resistor detection optical signal and time signal common input, after STC89C52 single chip analysis, street lamp display module will do out of the corresponding display.
This paper first summarizes the development prospect of intelligent street lamps and the use of domestic street lamps and the research status, then gives the overall scheme adopted in the design. Later discuss the options of each module to choose. Then the principle of each unit circuit is explained in detail and the introduction of the chip, it also introduces the software design and programming. Finally, discuss the process of hardware and software debugging and the problems found in the process. At the same time, put forward the corresponding solution.
Key words: Intelligent street light ;MCU; Light detection; Human detection; Time module

目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.1.1课题研究的背景 1
1.1.2课题研究的意义和目的 2
1.2国内研究现状 3
1.3课题研究的主要任务 4
第二章 系统的方案设计 5
2.1主要功能和设计方案 5
2.2系统的工作原理 5
第三章 系统的硬件电路设计 7
3.1 主控制电路 7
3.3.1方案选择 7
3.3.2芯片介绍 8
3.3.3具体电路实现 9
3.2显示电路 10
3.2.1方案选择 11
3.2.2芯片介绍 11
3.2.3具体电路实现 12
3.3光线检测模块电路 12
3.3.1芯片介绍 13
3.3.2具体电路原理 14
3.4 按键电路 14
3.5 人体红外检测电路 15
3.5.1方案选择 15
3.5.2芯片介绍 16
3.5.3具体电路原理 16
3.6 时钟信号电路 17
3.6.1方案选择 17
3.6.2芯片介绍 17
3.6.3具体电路原理 18
3.7 电源电路 19
第四章 系统的软件设计 20
4.1主程序模块 20
4.2显示模块子程序 21
4.3光线检测模块子程序 22
4.4人体红外检测模块子程序 23
4.5时钟模块子程序 24
第五章 系统的调试 25
5.1软件仿真测试 25
5.2硬件各功能测试 27
5.3硬件整体测试 28
5.4测试结果分析 31
结 语 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35
附录 1 电路原理图 36
附录 2 硬件实物图 37
附录 3 源代码 38