来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK717011 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK717011
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关键词:智能照明系统 单片机 光敏电阻 人体感测 红外测距
This article designed based on STC89C52 single-chip intelligent home lighting system, in the ever-changing today, people already do not meet the ordinary way of lighting switch, more important is the energy shortage that plagued our many years of problems, placed in front of us, in addition to looking for new Instead of energy, how to improve the efficiency of the use of existing energy and energy conservation is also need to pay attention. The design of the intelligent lighting system can be any key in the switch mode, in addition to the default boot mode with the boot can also be converted into a higher order of the induction mode, the default mode can only be achieved by pressing the button and adjust the switch The intensity of the light, and in the sensor mode can be based on whether someone in the vicinity to determine the lighting system switch and according to the strength of the ambient light 7 to adjust the intensity of light.
Keywords:Intelligent lighting system;single - chip;human sensing; photoelectric;distance measurement

摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 本论文主要任务 1
1.3 论文结构安排 2
第二章 功能模块简介 3
2.1人体感应模块简介 3
2.2 光敏电阻模块简介 4
2.3 红外传感器报警模块简介 6
第三章 智能照明系统的设计 8
3.1 系统总体方案的设计 8
3.2 单片机的设计 9
3.3 上拉电阻设计 10
3.4 A/D转换的设计 11
第四章 智能照明系统的硬件实现 13
4.1 最小单片机系统 15
4.2 A/D转换与STC89C52的接口电路 15
4.3 环境光线检测电路的设计 16
4.4 按键控制的电路设计 17
4.5 灯光控制电路设计 18
4.6 电源电路设计 19
4.6 LED显示电路 19
第五章 软件设计 21
5.1 主程序的设计 21
5.2 计时程序设计 22
5.3 数码管显示程序设计 23
5.4 ADC0809转换程序设计 24
第六章 系统调试 25
6.1 硬件调试 25
6.2 软件调试 26
6.3 综合调试 28
第七章 论文总结 29
7.1 总结 29
7.2 展望 29
参考文献 31
附录A 系统硬件原理图 33
附录B 系统源程序 34
致谢 42