关键词:STM32 MP3播放 SD卡 VS1003
The design of MP3 music player based on MCU
With the progress of the times and scientific development, microelectronics technology and digital signal processing technology is also in the rapid development of a wide range of electronic products every day in the great changes. Especially with the advent of the Internet era, with the continuous improvement of the information society, digital audio and video technology gradually into the community. And digital audio and video technology corresponding to a variety of video and audio data compression standards, and the corresponding terminal equipment have also come out.And MP3 is one of the electronic products are quite favored.
This article designed a STM32-based MP3 music player, features include: MP3 / WAV / WMA audio file playback, song information display, recording and playback of sound recording and so on. Playback mode, the user only need to MP3 and other format files into the SD card corresponding to the file, you can enjoy the music in the headset; playback mode, the user can through an external radio device through VS1003 recording audio module , And through the MCU to save the audio file to the SD card corresponding folder, and can not record the state to choose to play the last recorded audio files.
The whole system consists of audio decoding part, SD card part, display part and other parts, the whole system by a MCU (STM32F103RBT6) control operation, the other modules to assist the MCU to achieve the function. The audio decoding part of the VS1003 chip as the core decoder chip to achieve the audio file decoding playback.
Key words: STM32, MP3 player, SD card, VS1003

摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2课题研究的主要内容 1
第二章 MP3音乐播放器的主要功能和方案设计 3
2.1主要功能 3
2.1.1 MP3音乐播放器的主要功能 3
2.2 整体设计方案 3
2.3硬件电路的器件选择 4
2.3.1主控芯片MCU的选择 4
2.3.2 MP3编解码芯片的选择 4
2.3.3 存储器的选择 5
第三章 MP3音乐播放器的硬件电路设计 7
3.1 整体硬件系统框图 7
3.2 MCU控制模块介绍 7
3.3 VS1003音频编解码模块介绍 8
3.3.1 VS1003芯片介绍 8
3.3.2 VS1003引脚定义 9
3.3.3 VS1003编解码电路图 9
3.4 SD卡模块电路 10
第四章 MP3音乐播放器的软件设计 12
4.1 MP3音乐播放软件设计流程 12
4.1.1 播放功能模块程序设计 12
4.1.2 录音模块程序设计 14
4.2 VS1003驱动程序设计 16
4.3 SD卡驱动程序设计 18
4.4 LED驱动程序设计 19
第五章 软硬件调试 22
5.1 硬件调试 22
5.2软件调试 22
结 语 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27
附录1 部分主程序代码 28
附录2 硬件实物图 38