关键词:智能家居 人体红外感应 18B20 MQ_2 GSM无线通信
Design of intelligent home system based on MCU
Based on the rapid development of communication electronic technology in recent years, some of the original can not be concerned about the people's livelihood technology becomes possible, conditions permitting, people will actively strive for the improvement of life grade. And this one, safe, reliable, convenient, intelligent living room environment is to improve people's living standards of the necessary conditions, and thus fire safety equipment put forward new requirements. On the current market, fire and anti-theft equipment has been unable to meet people's needs, so the emergence of new fire anti-theft device is very necessary.
This design uses infrared sensor module, 18B20 temperature sensor and MQ_2 smoke sensor signal, then the signal is transmitted to MCU to achieve sound and light alarm, and can send information to the user through the GSM system. In this system, the temperature and smoke concentration of the system are initialized by the key, and the temperature of the system and the concentration of smoke are displayed in real time by LED display module. The system has the advantages of simple structure, stable performance, convenient operation and low cost.
Keywords: Smart home;Infrared induction of human body;18B20;MQ_2;GSM wireless communication

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1 课题的背景研究 1
1.2 国内外发展状况 1
1.3 研究的目的和意义 2
1.4 论文的组织结构 3
第二章 系统总设计方案 4
2.1 设计任务要求 4
2.2 系统设计思路 4
2.3 主要硬件的方案选择 5
2.3.1单片机电路AT89C51 5
2.3.2温度传感模块 6
2.3.3烟雾传感模块 6
2.3.4 红外人体传感模块 7
2.3.5 GSM短信报警模块 7
第三章 系统硬件设计与实现 9
3.1 主控模块基本电路 9
3.1.1复位电路 9
3.1.2时钟电路 9
3.2报警电路 10
3.2.1 蜂鸣器电路 10
3.2.2按键电路 11
3.3 显示电路 11
3.4 DS18B20工作电路 12
3.5 烟雾传感电路 13
3.6 A/D转换电路 13
3.7人体感应模块电路 14
3.8 GSM模块电路 15
第四章 软件系统设计与实现 16
4.1软件主流程图 16
4.2主程序设计 17
4.3 温度采集处理程序 19
4.4烟雾采集处理程序 21
4.5 GSM短信收发程序设计 23
第五章 系统调试与总结展望 26
5.1硬件调试 26
5.2 软件调试 26
5.3 调试结果 27
5.4 结论与展望 30
致谢 32
参考文献 33