随着社会的进一步发展,私家车占比数在整个市场中逐渐加大。驾驶技术的不成熟,道路的堵塞,视觉盲区的存在这些都使得倒车不当所引发的交通事故越来越多,一种可以一边检测距离一边倒车的报警器由此产生。通常的报警器是由感应器发出和接受超声波信号,并将接收到的信号传输到主机,再通过设备显示。感应器装在保险杠上,以45°辐射,探测目标,既可以检测到低于车身的障碍物,又可以报警提醒司机,如路障,以及高度过低不能被及时看见的物体等,显示设备可以一目了然,以声音和光报警方式达到提醒的作用,到规定下限值时,蜂鸣器就开始发出声音,提示司机停车。 在本设计中主要采用的是红外线测距的方式,红外线具有极强的隐蔽性,不易为人体所察觉,且具有极强的热效应和云雾穿透能力。红外距离探测模块超出下限值探测范围时,即向单片机传导信号,经过相应程序的处理,传导信号给液晶显示模块和声光报警模块,进行相应的操作。
关键词:倒车报警器 红外传感器 单片机 蜂鸣器
The Design of infrared reversing collision alarm based on MCU
With the further development of the society, the number of private cars accounted for the entire market gradually increase. Driving technology is not mature, road congestion, there are visual blind area which makes more and more traffic accidents caused by improper parking, more and more people can call for reversing the detection distance alarm. The alarm is usually send and receive ultrasonic signals from sensors, and transmits the signal received to the host through the display equipment. Sensor installed on the bumper, with 45 degree radiation, target detection, able to explore those below the bumper while obstacles and difficult to see the driver from the rear window and alarm, such as roadblocks, and height Can not be too low in time to see the object: the display device can be clear at a glance, with sound and light alarm to remind the role, to the lower limit value, the buzzer starts to sound, prompts the driver to stop. Mainly used in the design of the infrared ranging, infrared has strong concealment, not easy to detect the human body, and has thermal effect and strong ability to penetrate the clouds. The infrared detection module beyond the lower limit of detection distance range, namely to single-chip signal transduction, after processing the corresponding program, transmission signal to the liquid crystal display module and alarm module, the corresponding operation.
Keywords:Reversing alarm infrared sensor MCU buzzer

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.1.1 概述 1
1.1.2 发展现状及特点 1
1.1.3 发展前景分析 2
1.2 课题实现的主要功能 2
1.3 课题研究的主要内容 2
第二章 红外倒车防撞报警器的硬件电路设计 4
2.1设计原理 4
2.2 单片机最小系统电路 5
2.2.1 晶振电路 6
2.2.2 复位电路 7
2.3 红外线测距电路 7
2.4 A/D转换电路的设计 8
2.5 电源模块电路 8
2.6 LCD1602显示模块电路 9
2.7 蜂鸣器报警电路 10
2.8 按键电路 10
2.9 本章小结 11
第三章 红外倒车防撞报警器的软件设计 12
3.1 软件设计思路 12
3.1.1 软件构成 12
3.2 主函数流程图 13
3.3 红外测距程序 14
3.3.1 距离测量主程序 14
3.3.2 距离设置子程序 16
3.4 车距显示程序 17
3.5声光报警的软件设计 18
3.6 串口工作程序 19
3.6.1串口工作程序 20
3.6.2 串口初始化程序 21
3.7 A/D转换流程 21
3.8 本章小结 22
第四章 仿真与调试 23
4.1 软件仿真 23
4.2 硬件调试 24
4.3 结果简述 26
4.4 问题反思 28
4.5 本章小结 28
结 语 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32
附录1 电路原理图 33
附录2 硬件实物图 34