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本文将从硬件和软件两个方面作为重点,阐述基于单片机的智能家居防火防盗系统。单片机由于其体积轻便、控制能力强大以及功率损耗小等特点而被广泛应用。本设计将利用人体红外感应模块DYP-ME003来检测入侵信号,利用温度传感器ds18B20检测环境温度,利用烟雾传感器MQ_2检测可燃气体浓度,紧接着将接收到的信号传输到单片机进行处理,经过处理的信号发送至蜂鸣器、红绿LED灯从而实现声光报警。本设计中将采用按键对 烟雾浓度进行 ,将采用LED显示模块对系统温度和烟雾浓度进行显示。本设计具有 、方便使用等特点,有一定实用性。
关键词:单片机 防火防盗系统 ds18b20 MQ_2
Fire Alarm System for smart home based on MCU
Today's society is constantly developing, science and technology are also changing with each passing day, and people's demand for material life is gradually increasing, smart home is becoming the main way of modern life step by step. In addition to providing a more comfortable home environment, the security problems brought by it are also the focus of attention.
This article will focus on two aspects of hardware and software, expounds the intelligent home fire protection and anti-theft system based on MCU. MCU is widely used because of its light size, powerful control ability and small power loss. This design will use the infrared sensor module DYP-ME003 to intrusion detection, detection of ambient temperature using the temperature sensor ds18B20, detection of combustible gas concentration using the smoke sensor MQ_2, then transmits the signal received to the microcontroller for processing, after processing the signal sent to the lights to achieve sound and light alarm.. The design will use the button to initialize the system temperature and smoke concentration, the LED display module will be used to display the system temperature and smoke concentration. The design has the advantages of simple structure and low price and stable performance and convenient use and so on. It has some practicability.
Key words: MCU Fire Alarm System ds18b20 MQ_2

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1防火防盗系统概述 1
1.2毕业设计任务 1
第二章 系统总设计 3
2.1系统总设计 3
2.2系统结构框图 4
第三章 系统硬件设计 5
3.1整体设计思路 5
3.2单片机AT89S52 5
3.2.1主要性能参数 5
3.2.2管脚说明 6
3.3人体红外感应模块DYP-ME003 9
3.4温度传感器DS18B20 10
3.5 烟雾传感电路 11
3.5.1烟雾传感器MQ-2 11
3.5.2 A/D转换芯片ADC0832 11
3.5.3 A/D转换电路 12
3.6报警电路 13
3.6.1按键 13
3.6.2蜂鸣器 14
3.6.3红绿LED灯 15
3.7显示电路 15
3.8整体硬件连接仿真图 16
第四章 系统软件设计 17
4.1整体设计思路 17
4.2温度采集处理 18
4.3烟雾采集处理 20
4.3.1标度变换 20
4.3.2数据采集 21
4.4显示电路 22
4.5主程序 24
第五章 程序仿真与分析 26
结束语 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32