摘 要
(1)本次研究的单片机型号是基于STC89C52的,认真的分析STC89C52的各个参数和引脚功能,在熟悉STC89C52单片机及其外围电路的基础上,选择常见且价格合理的外围硬件,使用protel99 se绘制各模块电路图以及系统整体电路图,利用洞洞板焊接基于单片机的实物。
(2)根据硬件电路绘制子模块的程序流程图,使用Keil uVision4编写程序实现各个软件模块,完成软件设计。软件设计的主要难点是步进电机的正反转和速度的调节,其中步进电机的速度以软件延时的时间长短来调节。程序编写完后使用Keil uVision4调试,直至没有错误,最后烧入单片机,检查其各个功能运行的实际效果,反复改写并调试程序直至满足既定的效果。
关键词 :步进电机 单片机 调速系统
Based on single chip microcomputer control stepping motor speed control system design
Stepper motor is a kind of using electrical pulses to control and transform electrical pulse signal into phase displacement of the motor. Every time give a pulse stepper motor rotation a fixed Angle, so that you can by controlling the stepping motor the time interval of two adjacent pulses to change the pulse frequency, by the length of the delay to control the speed of stepper Angle to change the motor, thus realize the stepper motor speed control system. The main content as follows:
(1) This research is based on STC89C52 SCM models, careful analysis of all parameters of the STC89C52 and pin function, in the familiar with STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer and peripheral circuit, on the basis of common and reasonable price of peripheral hardware choice, use protel99 se map module circuit diagram as well as the overall system circuit diagram, use object of hole hole plate welding based on single chip microcomputer.
(2) According to the drawing child module hardware circuit program flow chart, use the Keil uVision4 program realization of each software module, completed the software design. Software design of the main difficulties is a stepper motor and reversing and speed of adjustment, the speed of the stepper motor with software latency is the length of time to adjust. After the program written using Keil uVision4 debugging, until there are no errors, the burn-in microcontroller, check the effect operation of various function, repeated rewriting and debugging program until meet established effect.
Research results, this paper completed the precise hardware circuit, using independent keyboard to control the stepping motor speed control system, on this basis also adds additional functionality, such as through LCD12864 display shows the author's basic information and real-time status of the stepper motor, also increased the buzzer and LED to indicate status in the process of execution.
Key words: Step-by-step electric motor Monolithic machine Speed regulation system

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究背景、目的及意义 1
1.2 本课题国内外研究现状和发展趋势 1
1.3 本课题拟采用的研究手段 2
第二章 步进电机简介 3
2.1 步进电机的概念 3
2.2 步进电机的分类 3
2.3 步进电机的特点 3
2.4 步进电机的工作原理 4
2.5 步进电机的基本参数 4
2.5.1 空载的启动频率 4
2.5.2 电机固有步距角 4
2.5.3 步进电机的相数 4
2.6 步进电机的详细调速原理 4
第三章 硬件电路设计 6
3.1 基本的方案确定 6
3.2 单片机的选择:STC89C52 7
3.2.1 STC89C52的概述 7
3.2.2 STC89C52的特性 7
3.2.3 STC89C52的参数 8
3.2.4 STC89C52的引脚功能 8
3.3 液晶显示器的选择:LCD12864 9
3.3.1 LCD12864的概述 9
3.3.2 LCD12864的特性 10
3.3.3 LCD12864的参数 10
3.3.4 LCD12864的引脚功能 10
3.4 步进电机驱动芯片选择:ULN2003 12
3.4.1 ULN2003的概述 12
3.4.2 ULN2003的参数 13
3.4.3 ULN2003的引脚功能 13
3.5 步进电机选择:28BYJ48(四相八拍的步进电机) 14
3.5.1 28BYJ48的概述 14
3.5.2 28BYJ48的特性 15
3.5.3 28BYJ48的工作原理 15
3.6 信号显示灯选择:LED 17
3.6.1 LED的概述 17
3.6.2 LED的特点 18
3.6.3 LED的发光原理 18
3.7 独立按键 20
3.7.1 按键的概述 20
3.7.2 按键的特性 20
3.7.3 按键的工作方式 21
3.8 蜂鸣器选择:有源蜂鸣器 22
3.8.1 蜂鸣器的概述 22
3.8.2 有源蜂鸣器的原理 22
3.8.3 有源蜂鸣器的优点 22
第四章 软件设计 24
4.1 键盘子程序设计 24
4.2 显示子程序设计 25
4.3 蜂鸣器子程序设计 26
4.4 步进电机正反转调速子程序设计 27
4.5 单片机主程序设计 28
第五章 实验结果与分析 29
5.1 步进电机电机参数简要分析 29
5.2 实验结果图 29
第六章 结语 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
附录A 36