Electronic closely related to our lives has also been rapid development. Especially with the development of large scale integrated circuits, we have entered the electronic age more quickly. The improve the quality of life. Especially with the development of computer, there has been a significant improvement.Corresponding to the improvement of computer technology, there is a corresponding improvement in electronics. Through it, we can not only cultivate our ability in practice, but also further develop our thinking ability and understanding of knowledge. By linking theory with reality, we can raise our ability to a new and higher level.
Responder is a priority judgment circuit designed for contestants to answer questions in a wide variety of competitions. Its application is very extensive, such as in various knowledge contests, entertainment contests and other occasions. There are many ways to realize the function of answering device,For example, a circuit-based circuit and a digital circuit are combined. . But these methods have many shortcomings, such as complex production process, low reliability in accuracy, large area of finished products, difficult installation and maintenance. We adopt an eight-way answering device with single-chip computer as the core, which is used to control logic and generate signals. types and functions of SCM, its application technology has become more mature, and its application field has been expanding.The status of the microcontroller is irreplaceable. MCU application technology has now become a new application in engineering technology.
Key Words: Responders;microcontroller;technology;integrated circuits

第1章 绪论 1
1.1单片机目前发展 1
1.2设计的意义 1
第2章 系统设计内容 3
2.1系统设计依据 3
2.2设计任务和要求 3
2.3 设计目的 4
2.4 设计要点 4
第3章 硬件设计 6
3.1系统工作介绍 6
3.2 单片机控制原理 7
3.3 单片机的内容 7
3.4单片机的引脚说明 8
3.5 单片机的最小系统组成 9
3.5.1 时钟电路 9
3.5.2 复位电路 10
3.5.3 中断电路 10
3.6 抢答器的原理 11
3.7 功能模块电路 12
3.7.1主持人控制模块 12
3.7.2 选手抢答模块 13
3.7.3 数码管显示模块 13
3.7.4蜂鸣器报警模块 14
第4章 软件设计 15
4.1程序设计 15
4.1.1 系统流程图 15
4.1.2抢答成功流程图 16
4.2 程序模块 16
4.2.1 主程序 16
4.2.2 定时器子程序 17
4.2.3 延时子程序 17
4.2.4 显示子程序 18
4.2.5 按键扫描函数 18
第5章 结论 20
参考文献 22
附录 23
致 谢 31