The background of the design content of this paper is that the media of current information dissemination is increasingly dependent on display devices, and as the main force of outdoor display devices - billboards, it is the focus of attention. Therefore, improving the design of billboards is becoming more and more important. One of the ideas is to use a single-chip microcomputer as the core, combined with the peripheral circuit and the dot matrix display to form a scrolling display system. LED display has the advantages of high brightness, long life, good permeability, high density, easy modification and good permeability. It is an excellent choice for many places to display media. Many advantages make the LED display have better development prospects than traditional neon lights, and thus have been strongly supported and developed. This design mainly compares two display methods of LED: static scan display and dynamic scan display, and why the dynamic scan method is selected to control the LED dot matrix screen to display the corresponding content, and how to control and transmit the matrix signal of the dot matrix screen. According to the display principle of LED, the 74HC138 decoder is used to form the peripheral drive circuit to realize dynamic scanning, which achieves the ideal scroll display, and adds simple reset, pause and change directions. Features. Finally, through the simulation and debugging of Proteus, the design was successfully designed and fully functional.
Keywords:SCM; LED lattice screen;display

第1章绪论 1
1.1单片机的发展 1
1.2单片机的应用 1
1.3设计任务与目的 2
1.4方案论证 2
1.5论文研究内容 3
第2章系统硬件设计 4
2.1总体结构 4
2.2单片机最小系统 4
2.2.1电源 4
2.2.2晶振 5
2.2.3复位电路 5
2.2.4数据储存器 5
2.3译码模块 6
2.4显示模块 7
2.5驱动模块 9
2.5.1列驱动 9
2.5.2行驱动 10
2.6 整体电路图 11
第3章系统软件设计 12
3.1显示子程序 12
3.2移动子程序 13
3.3主程序 13
3.4定时器和中断 14
第4章系统调试 16
4.1软件调试 16
4.2硬件调试 17
第5章结论 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24
附录 25