AT89C52 ,单片机 ,智能管理系统
The purpose of this system design is to complete a self-study room monitoring system that can provide the students in the classroom with the temperature and humidity of the current classroom, as well as the total number of seats in the classroom, the seats occupied and the number of seats remaining. Provide students with a more convenient and intelligent self-study environment. This system uses 51 single-chip microcomputer as the carrier. On top of this, installed DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor and HC-SR505 infrared sensor module Uses LCD12864 as the display. The above components are connected to the minimum system of the MCU, and they are programmed to work together. Through the design of the population statistics algorithm and the understanding of several sensor’s principles, each individual sensor component is combined together into a fully functional system. The system has been made, completes all the above functions, and still has enough space to allow new functions and sensors to be added. More functions can be added to the system to make the system more perfect. At present, there are many intelligent self-study room management systems, but this system innovatively combines temperature and humidity and seat statistics functions to fill the current system design gap in this area, with high practicability and strong variable space.
AT89C52, MCU, intelligent management systems

摘 要 1
Abstract 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究目的与意义 1
1.3研究内容 2
1.4 研究现状 2
1.5预期目标 3
第2章 方案选择与论证 4
2.1单片机芯片选择 4
2.2 温度湿度传感器 5
2.3 红外线传感器 6
2.3.1 HC-SR501介绍 6
2.3.2 HC-SR505介绍 7
2.3.3 SR602介绍 7
2.3.4 RS051介绍 7
2.3.5总结与比较 7
2.4 显示模块 8
2.5 硬件系统结果总结 8
第3章 硬件结构与设计 9
3.1单片机最小系统 9
3.2 温度湿度传感器DHT11硬件信息介绍 10
3.3 液晶显示器LCD12864硬件信息介绍 11
3.4 红外线传感器硬件信息介绍 12
3.4.1 SR505连接方式介绍 12
3.4.2 SR602连接方式介绍 13
3.5 硬件系统小结 13
第4章 软件结构与设计 15
4.1读取温度算法设计 15
4.2 测量和计算人数算法设计 16
4.3 LCD2864显示模块介绍 17
4.4小结 18
第5章 系统调试与测试 20
5.1 LCD12864显示模块调试 20
5.2 DHT11温度湿度传感器调试 20
5.3 红外传感模块调试 21
5.3.1 SR505测试 22
5.3.2 SR602 测试 23
5.4 总系统功能测试 23
5.5 小结 25
第6章 小结与讨论 26
参考文献 27
附 录 28
致 谢 36