From ancient times until now, locks have been an important barrier to protect people's property safety from infringement, and the progress of the times makes electronic combination locks gradually enter people's lives. It uses C51 series chip as its main control chip, AT24C series as data storage unit, plus key circuit, liquid crystal display circuit, alarm, etc. to make a simple electronic coded lock. Then the KEIL software is used to write corresponding program codes to complete the functions required by the combination lock. During the design, the circuit diagram of the electronic password lock should be designed on the simulation software PROTEUS, and attention should be paid to whether there is any error. Then the coded lock code based on the designed electronic coded lock circuit is written on KEIL software. The combination of the two is simulated, and whether the unlocking and alarming functions required for repairing the coded lock are satisfied is judged according to the simulation result. If the circuit and code are not modified until the functions are realized. After the simulation is realized, the physical object of the electronic password lock needs to be manufactured, and after the physical object is completed, the code is downloaded, and the physical object of the password lock is debugged until the function of the password lock is satisfied.
Practice has proved that the electronic combination lock based on single chip microcomputer fully meets the functions required by the combination lock, with low cost and simple operation. It is a good choice in protecting the safety of family property and business secrets in the office.
Key words: single chip micro computer ;combination lock ;unlock;alarm

1绪论 1
1.1电子密码锁 1
1.2课题背景及意义 1
2设计分析 4
2.1设计分析 4
2.2系统结构 4
3电路图设计 6
3.1单片机最小系统 6
3.1.1 AT89C51 6
3.1.2晶振电路 7
3.1.3复位电路 7
3.2按键电路 8
3.2.1按键电路工作原理 9
3.3显示模块 10
3.3.1 LCD1602 10
3.3.2显示电路 12
3.4掉电保护部分 13
3.4.1 总线 13
3.4.2 AT24C02 15
3.5报警和开锁部分 15
4代码设计 17
4.1主程序流程图 17
4.2按键部分 18
4.3显示部分 20
4.4报警部分 20
5仿真及实物制作 22
5.1电子密码锁的仿真 22
5.2实物制作 23
6总结与展望 26
参考文件 27
附录A电子密码锁电路原理图 28
附录B 程序源代码 29
致谢 56