本文在了解了养花过程中存在的问题基础上,分析了花卉养护系统的功能需求,从而给出了系统的总体框架并对系统的硬件电路进行了详细的设计,其中包括温度测量电路,土壤pH 测量电路,湿度测量电路,LCD显示电路,浇水驱动电路和单片机控制电路等。利用C语言,结合硬件电路对系统各部分程序部分进行设计,在KEIL上编译通过后生成.hex后缀文件在Proteus上仿真通过后,烧录到单片机中。最后对按以上设计制作的系统实物进行了测试,并评价了其测试结果。测试结果表明该系统可以做到花卉的自动浇水和土壤环境检测与数据显示功能,满足花卉养护的需求。
With the continuous development of the social economy, people are paying more and more attention to the quality of life. In this context, potted flowers are loved by more and more people. The potted flowers occupy a small space and can be easily moved and placed. They have good ornamental value in the interior and can also purify the indoor air. In addition, the flowers can also relax people. However, the maintenance of potted flowers also has problems such as the inability to water on time or the difficulty in grasping the living environment of flowers, and improper conservation can cause poor growth or even death of potted flowers. Aiming at this problem, a single chip based flower maintenance system was designed by using single chip microcomputer and sensor technology.
Based on the understanding of the MCU and sensor technology, this paper analyzes the requirements of the flower curing system, and designs the overall framework of the system. The hardware circuit of the system is designed in detail, including temperature sensor module, humidity sensor module, Soil pH sensor module,LCD display module, Pump drive module and microcontroller control module. The software part of the system is written in C language. After compiling and compiling on KEIL, the .hex suffix file is generated and simulated on the proteus, and then burned into the MCU. Finally, the system was debugged and the results were analyzed. The results show that the system has achieved the expected design goals and realized the automatic watering and soil environment detection and data display of flowers.
Key words:MCU;temperature sensor;humiditysensor;automatic watering;Soil pH

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1设计背景及意义 1
1.2花卉养护的国内外现状 1
1.3本文主要内容及结构安排 2
1.3.1本文主要内容 2
1.3.2本文结构安排 2
第2章总体设计方案及主要器件选型 3
2.1土壤酸碱度简介 3
2.2花卉养护系统的需求分析 4
2.3系统总体设计方案及工作原理 4
2.4传感器的选型 5
2.5本章小结 6
第3章系统硬件电路设计 7
3.1控制模块 7
3.1.1STC89C52特点简介 7
3.1.2单片机相关引脚简单说明 7
3.1.3单片机最小应用系统 8
3.2湿度传感器模块及pH传感器模块电路 9
3.2.1YL-69模块简介 9
3.2.2 pH复合电极及其处理模块简介 10
3.2.3ADC0832简介 11
3.2.4湿度传感器模块与pH传感器模块电路设计 13
3.3温度传感器模块电路 13
3.3.1DS18B20简介 13
3.3.2温度传感器电路 16
3.4LCD显示模块 16
3.4.1LCD1602简介 16
3.4.2LCD显示部分电路 18
3.5水泵驱动模块及按键模块 19
3.5.1水泵驱动模块电路 19
3.5.2按键部分电路 20
3.6 本章小结 20
第4章系统软件程序设计 21
4.1整体程序设计 21
4.2 温度读取程序设计 21
4.3湿度与pH读取程序设计 22
4.4LCD显示部分程序设计 23
4.5按键部分程序设计 24
4.5.1程序设计部分变量简介 24
4.5.2按键检测部分程序设计 25
4.5.3按键处理部分程序设计 25
4.6浇水判断程序设计 26
4.7本章小结 27
第5章系统的调试与运行结果分析 28
5.1系统的调试 28
5.2 调试结果分析 32
第6章结束语 33
参考文献 34
附录A 花卉租摆养护监测系统实物图 35
附录B 系统整体电路图 36
附录C 系统程序 37
致谢 45