摘 要
With the development of society, people have paid more and more attention to the indoor air quality problems that people work and live in for a long time. How to monitor and warn the air quality which has appeared potential safety hazards in time has become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper takes this as the design background, carries on the simulation through the Protus software, carries on the design using the C language, not only needs to solve the real-time monitoring current indoor air quality demand, but also can make the prompt alarm to the current excessive air quality and the intrusion of outsiders, through the light, the sound and the short message way promptly warns the user to pay attention to the air quality at this time as well as. Theft may occur in order to protect the life, health and property safety of users.
This paper mainly discusses the design and implementation of an air quality monitoring and alarm system based on 51 single chip computer. A single-chip computer system which can real-time monitor the temperature, humidity, PM2.5 content and formaldehyde content in the current environment is developed. The system can send warning messages to the parameters exceeding the standard in the air and the intrusion of outsiders, so as to remind users to pay attention to adjusting the indoor environment and anti-theft at this time.
Based on the professional knowledge, this paper combines the traditional hardware with detection function with wireless communication. On the basis of meeting the specific functions of monitoring and alarming, the system can also send warnings to users by sending short messages. In line with professional characteristics, it also conforms to the development trend of the information age.
Key words:monitor;alert;telecommunications

目 录
第1章 绪论 6
1.1 目的、意义 6
1.2 国内外的研究现状 7
1.3设计的基本内容 9
第2章 环境监测与防盗系统的体系结构设计 10
2.1需求与理论基础 10
2.2设计方案论证 10
2.3 本章小结 11
第3章 环境监测与防盗系统的设计与仿真 13
3.1硬件设计 13
3.1.1电源电路设计 13
3.1.2 主控制电路设计 14
3.1.3 DHT11温湿度传感器电路设计 15
3.1.4 LCD1602液晶显示电路设计 16
3.1.5 GP2Y1014AU粉尘传感器的电路设计 18
3.1.6 MQ2传感器的电路设计 19
3.1.7 ADC0832模数转换器的电路设计 20
3.1.8 HC_SR501人体热释感应器的电路设计 21
3.1.9 SIM800L GSM模块的电路设计 22
3.1.10 声光报警电路设计 23
3.2软件设计 24
3.2.1实现测量与报警功能的软件设计思路 24
3.2.2 实现测量与报警功能的软件流程图 25
3.2.3测量与报警功能的部分程序 26
3.2.4 温湿度采集子程序设计 27
3.3本章小结 28
第4章 环境监测与报警系统的调试 29
4.1基于51单片的环境监测与防盗系统的仿真 29
4.2实物调试 31
4.3本章小结 34
第5章 总结与展望 35
5.1总结 35
5.2展望 35
参考文献 37
致 谢 38
附录1 系统完整的电路图 39
附录2 实物图 40
附录3 器件清单 41