来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716939 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716939
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摘 要
A stepper motor is a digital electromechanical component that is energized every time an electrical pulse is applied to cause the rotor to move a discrete angle called a step angle. Its two advantages: easy to accurately control, no cumulative error makes stepper motors widely used and developed. In recent years, with the development of digital technology, the technology of controlling stepper motors through single-chip microcomputers has become more and more mature, and the facts show that the use of single-chip microcomputers to control the motion of stepper motors is faster and more accurate than traditional methods. This paper firstly describes the classification, structural characteristics, working principle and performance index of stepping motor, then introduces the type of driver and circuit principle of stepping motor, and then expounds the overall design scheme based on single chip microcomputer. The scheme is divided into modular further research. It mainly studies how to measure the parameters such as the rotational speed torque of the stepping motor and display it on the display screen under the control of the single-chip microcomputer. If a stepping motor is to be used in the project, the design can be used to measure the maximum speed and maximum torque of the stepping motor before use, so that we can determine whether the stepping motor is suitable for engineering. In order to prevent the installation of the stepper motor to the actual project, it can not be used.
Key Words:Stepper motor; Single chip microcomputer; Maximum speed; Maximum torque

第1章 绪论 1
1.1步进电机的发展史 1
1.2电动机控制系统的发展 1
1.3单片机在电动机控制中的应用 1
1.4国内外研究现状 2
1.5研究的意义 2
第2章 步进电机的分类、特点、性能指标以及工作原理 4
2.1 步进电机的分类 4
2.2步进电机的特点 5
2.3步进电机的性能指标 5
2.4步进电机的工作原理 8
第3章 步进电机的驱动 9
3.1单电压驱动 9
3.2 双电压驱动 10
3.2.1双电压法 10
3.2.2高低压法 11
3.3 斩波驱动 12
3.4 细分驱动 13
3.5 集成电路驱动 15
第4章 基于单片机的步进电机性能测试系统设计 16
4.1单片机控制系统的组成 16
4.2性能测试的整体方案设计 16
4.3步进电机转速的测量方案 17
4.3.1光电传感器的工作原理 17
4.3.2光电传感器的使用方法 18
4.3.3测量速度的设计方案 18
4.4步进电机转矩的测量方案 18
4.4.1力矩传感器的工作原理 18
4.4.2力矩传感器的选型分析 19
4.4.3测量转矩的设计方案 20
4.5系统硬件之间的连接 20
4.6系统硬件仿真 21
4.6.1键盘电路 22
4.6.2显示电路 22
4.6.3驱动电路 23
4.6.4脉冲发生器代替光电传感器的模拟单元 23
第5章 总结与展望 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26