The STC89C52 based low-power, low-cost intelligent self-study room system is designed to reduce the waste of electricity used in the study room, and effectively help students find an idle study room and save energy.
Based on STC89C52, the intelligent self-study room of intelligent control of single-chip microcomputer can collect automatic information by using infrared sensor and light sensor. It can effectively realize automatic light control. When the light is bright, the light is extinguished. When no one uses it, the light is also Will automatically go out. When someone is detected, the lights are automatically turned on and the current number of people in the study room is recorded by the built-in demographic system. Then, the number of users in the current study room, the number of people entering, and the number of people going out are displayed on the LCD display. In this way, the intelligent self-study room not only can adjust the opening of the light, but also saves the waste of invalid lighting, and can also facilitate the students to find the empty classroom, realize the statistics of the classroom traffic and the statistics of the real-time number in the self-study room.
The number of people in the intelligent self-study room can be applied not only to students who are looking for spare study rooms, but also to help the attendance of teachers. Through the real-time statistics of the number of participants in the classroom, the teacher can easily know the number of students, count the number of absenteeism, and facilitate the statistics. The teacher checked the person and effectively guaranteed the attendance rate.
The results show that the intelligent self-study room control system can effectively realize the automatic intelligent control of lighting, the statistics and display of the number of people in the study room, and the effective statistics of the flow of people in the study room, which is effective for the attendance of teachers.
Key Words:Human body induction; Number statistics; Classroom lamp; MCU; Intelligence
1.3 研究的内容和目标
智能自习室系统通过智能控制照明使用,智能化改造,降低成本,实现自动和手动照明控制兼容; 对自习室人数的实时统计,方便了学生寻找空闲的自习室,并提高了老师的考勤效率。通过反复试验和改进,智能自习室系统最终实现了可靠性,实用性和可推广性的目标。

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究的背景 1
1.2研究的目的 1
1.3 研究的内容和目标 2
1.3.1研究的内容 2
1.3.2研究的目标 2
第2章系统总体设计方案 3
2.1设计选择和论证 3
2.1.1单片机的选择 3
2.1.2显示方案的选择 3
2.2系统总体框图设计 4
第3章系统硬件电路设计 5
3.1 系统硬件概述 5
3.2 人体感应模块设计 5
3.3 光敏模块设计 7
3.3.1 光敏电阻介绍 7
3.3.2 LM393电压比较器介绍 7
3.4 继电器驱动模块设计 9
3.5 液晶显示模块电路 9
3.6 液晶引脚说明 10
3.7 红外检测模块 11
3.8 按键输入模块 12
3.9 报警模块 13
第4章系统软件的设计 14
4.1 程序语言及开发环境 14
4.2 灯光控制程序流程图设计 14
4.3 计数模块程序流程图设计 15
4.4 液晶程序设计 16
第5章系统分析与调试 17
5.1单片机板的程序录入 17
5.2单片机实物板的接电测试 17
5.2.1教室灯光控制模块的测试 17
5.1.2自习室实时计数功能的测试 17
第6章总结 19
参考文献 20
附录A 21
附录B 22
致谢 23