In this paper, with the programming software of Kei1 and simulation software Proteus of 51 single-chip microcomputer, the circuit design and programming of a 51-microcomputer-based reverse ranging system are carried out. Based on the development environment of 51 single-chip microcomputer, this reversing distance measurement system should first have a distance measurement module. Secondly, a display module is required to transmit information in time. Finally, an alarm module is required to prompt the user to brake in time. Firstly, in the module selection of display circuit and ranging circuit, this paper compares various situations, comprehensively analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each module, and secondly considers the use environment of the selected module, and finally chooses to use ultrasonic module to measure distance, use 1602 the liquid crystal is used as a display module. The design system obtained in this paper has important guiding significance for assisting driver parking.
The research results show that the ultrasonic ranging module, liquid crystal display module and alarm module of the system can work normally, and the distance measurement under reverse condition can be accurately realized. There is no problem of measuring delay, which basically achieves the expected design goal and has Practical value.
The characteristics of this paper: This article has a detailed introduction and explanation of the basic principles of the single-chip microcomputer. The modules used and the methods of use are also recorded in detail. The author's design ideas are clear, and the process is simplified in the design process to obtain the final design finished product. The reader provides some help when designing the microcontroller.
Key Words: 51 single-chip microcomputer; reversing distance measurement; liquid crystal; ultrasonic.

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究的主要内容 2
1.4本次设计应解决的关键问题 2
第2章电路方案选择 3
2.1方案比较 3
2.1.1激光测距 3
2.1.2红外线测距 3
2.1.3超声波测距 3
2.2电路总体方案 4
第3章单片机概述 5
3.1STC89C52主要性能 5
3.2STC89C52的外部结构及工作特性 5
3.3 STC89C52的内部组成 6
第4章超声波测距技术 7
4.1超声波传感器介绍 7
4.2HC-SR04超声波测距模块 7
4.2.1HC-SR04超声波测距模块的优势 7
4.2.2HC-SR04超声波测距模块工作原理 8
4.2.3HC-SR04的电气参数以及管脚分布介绍 8
4.2.4HC-SR04超声波模块时序图 9
第5章系统硬件电路设计 11
5.1STC89C52单片机最小系统 11
5.1.1单片机复位电路 11
5.1.2单片机晶振电路 12
5.2驱动显示电路及报警电路 12
5.2.1 1602液晶显示屏 13
5.3温度检测电路 14
5.3.1温度检测方案分析 14
5.3.2数字温度传感器DS18B20 14
第6章系统的程序设计 16
6.1系统主程序 16
6.2显示部分子程序 17
6.3报警及按键子程序 18
6.4超声波模块程序 19
第7章电路仿真测试 21
7.1仿真软件的选择 21
7.2原理图绘制 21
第8章实物的制作与验证 24
第9章结论 26
参考文献 27
附录A 电路整体原理图 28
致谢 29