With the continuous development of modern society, people have higher and higher requirements for lighting systems. However, at present, most of the lighting systems in public places in China adopt manual control mode. The phenomenon of not turning off the lights in time often occurs. Because most of these lighting devices work for a long time, it is easy to cause serious waste if they are not managed scientifically. In this case, intelligent lighting system came into being.
This paper mainly uses electronic and single chip technology to analyze the principle and important modules of intelligent lighting system. According to the design requirements and functional requirements, each module is designed and selected, and a design scheme of intelligent lighting control system is proposed. The system uses photoresistors to collect the brightness of the environment, and greatly reduces the structure of the system by analog-to-digital conversion. With STC89C52 series single-chip computer as the control core, it can realize automatic and manual control of the illumination, achieve the effect of improving the lighting environment, save resources and prolong the service life of lamps and lanterns. Finally, the overall performance of the test and analysis, the basic realization of the curriculum requirements, to achieve the desired objectives.
Key Words:lighting system;microcontroller;analog-to-digitalconversion;control
2.1 系统设计分析
2.2 总体结构设计
传统的照明系统已很难满足人们现代化的需求,针对这一问题本文设计了一种智能照明系统,系统的整体结构框图如图2. 1所示,其中STC89C52系列的单片机为核心控制模块,由光敏电阻和模数转换部分组成实时光信号采集模块,用四位共阳数码管作为显示模块来显示环境亮度及其他信息,按键则用来完成用户控制功能,LDE作为指示灯,蜂鸣器用作报警系统。

目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 发展历史与现状 2
1.3发展趋势 2
第2章系统结构设计 4
2.1 系统设计分析 4
2.2 总体结构设计 4
第3章智能照明系统的电路设计 7
3.1 控制系统电路设计 7
3.2显示电路设计 13
3.3报警电路设计 14
3.4环境亮度检测电路设计 15
3.5 灯泡控制电路设计 17
3.6整体电路设计 19
第4章智能照明系统软件设计 21
第5章电路焊接与系统调试 23
5.1 电路的焊接 23
5.2 系统的调试 23
第6章小结 26
参考文献 27
附录 28
致谢 36