摘 要
This paper mainly discusses the electrical system design of the semi-submarine sightseeing hall based on single-chip computer, briefly introduces the design and overall layout of the appearance of the semi-submarine sightseeing boat, and introduces in detail the alarm system of the sightseeing boat and the circuit design and program design of the navigation system based on single-chip computer. This system chooses STM32 MCU with high processing speed and huge storage function as software chip, collects various signals such as temperature, current and whether or not water leakage, and transmits them to MCU for processing and analysis. At the same time, the pedal and steering wheel can be used to input analog signals to the MCU, and the MCU can output analog signals after processing to control the speed and steering of the sightseeing boat. In this way, tourists can easily navigate the boat for pleasure. The system is convenient to use, reasonable in price, and has good practical value. It can be popularized in life to meet the needs of tourists.
The system includes STM32 single chip computer, isolation system, anti-jamming system, power supply and relay system. The electrical system of semi-submarine sightseeing boat is designed reasonably.
Key words: Semi-submarine sightseeing boat, STM32 MCU, alarm system, navigation system, isolator

第1章绪论 1
第2章软件芯片选择 3
第3章总电路设计 5
3.1整体方案设计 5
3.2 CPU 6
3.3 模拟输入 8
3.3.1 滤波和降幅系统 8
3.3.2 光电隔离器 8
3.3.3 电磁隔离器 9
3.3.4 滤波电容 10
3.4 开关输入 10
3.4.1隔离系统 10
3.4.2 退耦电容 11
3.5 供电电源 11
3.6 继电器 12
3.7 模拟输出 13
第4章总布置图 15
第5章配件选择 18
5.1 单轴操作手柄 JC150 18
5.2 铅酸蓄电池 19
5.3 速度踏板 20
5.4 显示器 20
5.5 驱动电机 21
第6章总结和展望 24
参考文献 25
附录A:控制板PCB图 26
附录C:CPU电路图 28
附录D:程序 29
致谢 41