After the Second Industrial Revolution, with the development of industry and power industry, motor has been used more and more frequently in all fields. It is a very important power source in production and even in life. At the same time, the quality of motor will directly affect the quality of electric energy needed in our daily life. With electric energy becoming an indispensable energy resource, our demand for electric energy is also increasing, so improving the quality of electric energy is imperative for the national economy.
However, different types of faults will inevitably occur in the process of motor operation, such as short circuit, blockage, over current, over voltage, etc., which is inevitable. Therefore, motor protection devices are becoming more and more important. This paper will introduce the principle of protection methods for different motor faults, mainly analyze the overload protection of motor, and design the protection device based on single chip STM32 to realize the above fault protection function.
The motor protection system designed in this paper is mainly based on STM32 as the core protection controller and ATT7022E as the electric power measurement part of the motor.measures the parameters of the motor, uses SPI communication to process the communication of the system, and adds the necessary functional modules to make the system achieve the intelligent processing effect.
Key words: motor protection SCM intelligent protection syste

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1 电动机运行原理 1
1.2 电机保护的意义 1
1.3 电机保护的发展史 2
1.3.1热继电器 2
1.3.2 温度继电器 3
1.3.3 电子式电机保护器 4
1.4 电机保护器的发展趋势 5
1.5 电机保护器的未来展望 5
第二章电机保护原理 6
2.1 电动机常见故障特征及保护 6
2.1.1 短路故障 6
2.1.2 欠压故障 6
2.1.3 过载保护 7
2.2 电动机过载保护分析 7
2.3 整定计算 11
第三章电机保护器主要硬件部分设计 13
3.1 原理框图 13
3.2 参数检测方法 13
3.2.1 ATT7022E芯片介绍 13
3.2.2 ATT7022E外围引脚介绍 14
3.2.3芯片的复位 15
3.3 SPI通信 16
3.3.1 SPI通信接口介绍 16
3.3.2 STM32中的SPI通信 16
3.4 通讯部分 18
3.5 核心处理器的选择 19
3.5.1 STM32系列单片机的特点 19
3.5.2 复位控制回路 19
3.5.3 独立看门狗 20
3.5.4 窗口看门狗 21
3.5.5 ADC 22
3.6输出回路 23
第四章电机保护器软件部分设计 24
4.1 流程图 24
4.2 代码分块讲解 26
第五章结束语 28
参考文献 29
附录1 30
附录2 31
附录3 32
致谢 33