为了准确地实现其对数据的采集功能以及与上位的通信要求,本文设计了以 STC89C52 为控制核心,搭配运用串行通信和无线通信的完整系统。
关键词:远程抄表 智能小区 单片机 串行通讯 无线模块
With the development of social economy and the improvement of living standards, safety, comfort, convenience and health have become new requirements for people's living environment. It is precisely this kind of requirement that the intelligent community emerged and flourished. Safety automation, communication automation, and management automation are the three characteristics of intelligent communities. The automatic copying of water meters, electricity meters and gas meters, which embody the characteristics of intelligent community management automation, is one of the necessary import projects and plays an important role in engineering design. Automatic meter reading has changed the service method of manual meter reading in the past, and no one has checked the table. The property management company or the supply company collects and collects in the control center. It not only saves manpower and material resources, but also improves safety.
This paper is mainlyabout the development of kinds of meter reading remote system for developed resident. After learning related theories and techniques all over the world, within the actual situation of the community, a remote meter reading system depending on single-chip microcomputer controlling has been designed. Due to sensor technology, processing and transmission of meters, so that the data of each host can be accurately transmitted to the central control of the property company. Room for checking.
In order to accurately realize the water meter and the remote copying of the gas meter data, this paper designed the hardware design and software design of the system with STC89C52 as the control core and remote data acquisition function and data communication function.
Keyword: Remote meter-reading, Intelligent residential quarters, microcomputer, Serial communication

目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外现状 2
第2章方案论证 5
2.1 总体系统的设计原则 5
2.2 系统功能确定 6
第3章硬件电路设计 7
3.1 主控控芯片的选择 7
3.1.1 单片机STC89C52 7
3.1.2 管脚说明 8
3.1.3 外部晶振的选择 9
3.1.4 复位电路 10
3.2 控制部分电路设计 10
3.3 脉冲产生部分电路 11
3.4 显示电路 12
3.5 上位通信电路 13
3.6 串口通信协议 17
第4章系统程序设计 18
4.1主体程序流程设计 18
4.2主从机程序分析 20
4.2.1模拟水表模块(从机)程序分析(以表A为例) 20
4.2.2主机(采集器)程序分析 23
4.3仿真与调试 27
4.3.1初始情况 27
4.3.2用水量的采集部分 27
结语 29
参考文献 30
致谢 32
附录A 33
附录B 34
附录C 42