关键词:智能电子秤;压力传感器;A/D转换器; 8051单片机;软件设计
In daily life, weighing instruments can be seen everywhere. With the improvement of people's living standards and the development of social economy, the traditional tools of scale have been raised more and more, especially in the trade of commodity trade. The traditional weighing toolsand desktop electronic scales have many limitations, such as large size, inconvenience of carrying and high manufacturing cost, which are all important factors that restrict the application market.
This paper introduces the information collection, processing and display system based on the smallest system of MCU, that is, the electronic scale system based on single chip microcomputer. The system is mainly composed of pressure sensors, signal amplification and A/D converters, the smallest microcontroller system, keyboard / switch, LCD LCD and other parts. First, the sensor module realizes the conversion of goods and electrical signals. The A/D module realizes the conversion of analog signal and digital signal, and the MCU system realizes data processing and analysis. In conjunction with the 4*4 matrix key and display module, we can realize the interaction of the human-computer, that is, the control and Realization of the system function. The main technical specifications of the system are as follows: the maximum range is 10Kg, and the measuring error is not greater than 0.005Kg. The main functions of the system are self checking, peeling, valuation, unit price setting, alarm and so on. The system has the advantages of small volume, high accuracy, low power consumption, easy to carry, simple operation and fast speed, and has broad application prospects.
Key words: intelligent electronic scale; pressure sensor; A/D converter; 8051 single chip microcomputer; software design
2.1 电子秤的结构

摘要 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1称量技术和衡器的发展 1
1.2电子秤的发展现状和发展趋势 2
1.2.1、发展现状 2
1.2.2、发展趋势 2
1.3项目研究意义 4
1.4研究内容与章节安排 5
第2章硬件构成方案论证 6
2.1 电子秤的结构 6
2.2传感器模块 6
2.2.1 传感器选用时应该考虑的因素 7
2.2.2传感器模块的基本结构 8
2.2.3应变式传感器 10
2.2.4 传感器的各类补偿 12
2.3放大器模块以及A/D转换模块 13
2.3.1放大器 13
2.3.2 A/D转换器 13
2.4单片机模块 15
2.5 按键及显示模块 17
第3章 系统硬件电路 20
3.1传感器模块 20
3.2 HX711模块 20
3.3单片机模块 21
3.4按键及显示模块 22
第4章 软件系统设计 24
4.1程序主函数设计 24
4.2 HX711芯片控制函数 27
4.3按键程序 29
4.4 LCD显示程序 30
第5章 实物成果及功能分析 31
5.1整体实物图 31
5.2 系统功能及工作展示 32
5.3性能分析 34
第6章 总结 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37
附录一:电路整体仿真图 38
附录二:系统程序 39