摘 要
With the continuous development of information technology, people’s quality of life is continuously improving. Advances in science and technology have made people’s awareness of their own property and all aspects of their safety. Fingerprint password locks have gradually become more and more important to everyone through their own reliability. favorite.
Compared with traditional mechanical locks, the emergence of fingerprint authentication password locks has greatly improved the security of users' home locks. First of all, in terms of the composition of the lock, in addition to retaining the mechanical structure of the traditional lock, the fingerprint password lock also adds a relatively scientific user identification module, which ensures that the unlocking person's identity is relatively accurate; Secondly, in terms of convenience, the fingerprint password lock breaks the way in which the keys were originally required to be unlocked. Instead, it relies on identity information and password information for related processing. This makes it easier for users to use physical examinations.
In the process of completion, in the course of embodying the learning level of the single-chip microcomputer during the university, after reading and learning the necessary reading materials designated by Zhu Lihua, this design needs to reflect the fingerprint unlocking function and the corresponding display. Modules to ensure that the user in the use of the production can be based on the contents of the display interface to clear their own operating procedures, the most important is the communication between each module and information conversion.
Keywords: ingle-chip microprocessor, password lock, fingerprint recognition
2.1.1 系统功能描述
系统框架主要是根据系统所要完成的任务和相关的要求,对整体的功能进行合理地划分,按照功能进行各个流程的设定,这其中包括了系统的参数和一些主要元器件在物理特征和电气特性等方面的信息说明[5]。在确定系统总体方案之前,首先定义设计要求,然后设计系统的硬件和软件,包括绘制原理框图和电路图[6]。 本设计在查阅了大量的文献基础上,选用了STC89C51芯片作为核心控制器进行相应的电路设计和程序设计

第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究意义 1
1.2国内外指纹密码锁发展历史及现状 2
1.3本文主要内容 2
第二章 整体设计方案 3
2.1系统总体设计 3
2.1.1 系统功能描述 3
2.1.2系统总体框架 3
2.2本章小节 4
第三章 系统硬件设计 5
3.1单片机及最小系统 5
3.1.1 STC89C52单片机介绍 5
3.1.2外部晶振设计 5
3.1.3复位电路设计 6
3.2 指纹模块设计 7
3.2.1 指纹模块简介 7
3.2.2 指纹模块指令 8
3.2.4 指纹模块接口电路设计 11
3.3 按键电路设计 12
3.4液晶显示模块设计 13
3.4.1 FYD12864工作流程 13
3.4.2 FYD12864液晶显示接口电路设计 13
3.5存储芯片24C02 14
3.6 本章小节 15
第四章 系统软件设计 16
4.1 系统工作过程分析 16
4.2主程序流程图 17
4.3按键程序流程设计 18
4.4 显示模块程序流程设计 20
4.5 指纹识别程序设计 22
4.5.1 指纹模块通讯协议说明 22
4.5.2 指纹模版的采集存储 23
4.5.3 指纹比对程序设计 24
4.6 存储芯片24C02程序设计 26
4.7 Keil编程 26
4.7本章小结 27
第五章 实物制作与调试 28
5.1 电路的焊接 28
5.2 程序的烧写 29
5.3 小灯、继电器的调试 30
5.4 液晶的调试 30
5.5 指纹模块、按键的调试 31
5.6 本章小结 32
参考文献 33
附录A 34
致谢 60