我国自改革开放以来,社会和经济得到了飞跃式的发展进步。信息化、机械化、智能化已经逐渐成为了这个日新月异的时代的主题。人民的物质经济和文化生活水平也上升到了一个新阶段。私人财产和社会公有财产的大幅增加,导致盗窃案等危害社会治安和人身财产安全的事件频发。 基于社会安全保障的需要,这也促使人们对室内财产安全的保护问题逐渐重视,越来越多的人们选择在家庭以及公司等室内空间安装防盗报警系统等措施来应对出现的一系列安全问题。现在很常见,也是普遍被大家接受和选择的防盗措施是安装一款室内防盗报警器。
Since China’s reform and opening up, social and economic development has been a leap forward. Informatization, mechanization, and intelligence have gradually become the theme of this ever-changing era. The material economy and cultural life of the people have also risen to a new stage. The large increase in private property and social public property has led to frequent incidents such as thefts that endanger social security and the safety of personal and property. Based on the needs of social security, this also prompts people to attach importance to the protection of indoor property safety. More and more people choose to install anti-theft alarm systems in homes and companies and other indoor spaces to respond to a series of security problems. It is very common nowadays, and it is generally accepted that the anti-theft measure chosen is to install an indoor burglar alarm.
This system is designed based on people's consideration of the safety factors of home, office, and other indoor environments. The hardware circuits include modules for signal acquisition, amplification, sound and light alarm, and count display. When the alarm is in the working state, if an outsider enters the indoor detection area, the Pyroelectric infrared sensor collects the infrared signal sent by the human body and transmits it to the Single Chip Microcomputer module through an amplification process. After the internal processing of the Single Chip Microcomputer, the sound and light alarm module is driven. Therefore, it can meet people's requirements for anti-theft alarm measures and make property more secure.
Key words: Anti-theft alarm; Single Chip Microcomputer; Pyroelectric infrared sensor; Sound and light alarm
1.3.1 论文的目标
1.3.2 论文的内容

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 5
1.1论文的研究背景及意义 5
1.1.1研究的背景 7
1.1.2研究的意义 7
1.2国内外的发展现状 6
1.3论文的主要内容 7
1.3.1论文的目标 7
1.3.2论文的内容 8
第2章 系统总体设计 9
2.1拟定的方案以及措施 9
2.2系统总体框图 9
第3章 系统硬件设计 10
3.1传感器选型 10
3.1.1PIR传感器的工作原理 10
3.1.2PIR传感器内部电路原理 10
3.1.3菲涅尔透镜 12
3.1.4 PIR传感器的特点 13
3.2主控芯片 14
3.2.1单片机的发展历史 14
3.2.2单片机的发展趋势 15
3.2.3 AT89C51单片机的基本组成 16
3.3电源供电电路 17
3.4信号的采集与放大电路 18
3.5单片机的时钟和复位电路 19
3.5.1时钟电路 19
3.5.2复位电路 20
3.6报警电路 21
3.6.1LED报警电路 21
3.6.2声音报警电路 22
3.7计数显示电路 23
第4章系统软件设计 25
4.1系统的主流程框图 25
4.2系统中断程序流程图 26
4.3基于proteus的软件仿真 27
第5章仿真结果及结论 28
5.1proteus的仿真效果 28
5.2调试与问题分析 32
5.3结论 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
附录A 36
附录B 37