第二,分析主控芯片AT89C51单片机的工作原理以及各个引脚的功能,根据设计要求对AT89C51 单片机的外围电路,如时钟电路、复位电路等进行构建。根据设计要求,构建键盘输入模块,实现对流水线产品计数容限值的设定。构建声光报警模块,实现流水线计数值溢出时的报警功能。构建显示模块,实现计数值在LED显示屏上的显示。
第三,应用Keil uVision4软件,通过C语言对本设计进行程序编写,实现了各个功能。利用Protues软件对总电路进行构造,并将编译好的程序放到AT89C51单片机中对本设计需实现的功能进行仿真和调试。
关键词:光电传感器; AT89C51单片机; LED; 声光报警
With the development of science & technology and changes of human life, a variety of automation concepts have emerged one after another. In the packaging industry, the pipeline product counter is one of them. In this paper, based on single-chip microcomputer design of the packaging industry product counters, we achieve the functions such as sensor detection, product count, counting tolerance limit setting, count value display,acousto-optical alarm, and so on.And software programming and hardware simulation are also done.
First, the appropriate photoelectric sensor is selected and analyzed, and a photoelectric sensor module is constructed. The acquisition circuit is designed. When a product passes through the assembly line, the photoelectric sensor will detect and send a level signal to thesingle chip.
Secondly, the work principle of the AT89C51single chip and the function of each pin are analyzed, and the peripheral circuits of the AT89C51 single chip such as the clock circuit and the reset circuit are constructed according to the design requirements. The keyboard input module is constructed to realize the setting of the counting tolerance of the assembly line product. The constructed acousto-optical alarm module has the alarm effectas the pipeline count overflows.And the display module with the function of counting on the LED display screenis also constructed.
Thirdly, by using C language under Keil uVision4 software, develop the program to realize all functions of this design.Lumped circuit is constructed byusing Protues, and the compiled program is fixed to AT89C51 single chip to simulate and debug the functions that this design needs to realize.
Finally, based on the simulation results, it is concluded that the design basically achieves the product counting function of the packaging industry assembly line, and can set the counting tolerance value in advance. When the count value is greater than or equal to the tolerance value, an acousto-optical alarm is performed. The count value can be displayed on the LED digital display screen during the entire counting process.
Key words: Photoelectric sensor; AT89C51 single chip; LED; Acousto-optical alarm
1. 用光电传感器模块设计采集电路进行对包装业流水线上的产品数量进行采集;
2. 运用主控芯片将采集电路产生的产品数量进行计数,并通过LED显示模块进行显示;
3. 设计按键模块,对流水线产品计数的容限值进行调节,当计数值到达容限值时,通过声光报警模块进行即时报警。
本设计以AT89C51单片机为主控芯片,以光电传感器为采集电路并通过 Keil uVision4进行单片机芯片的程序编译来实现多功能的包装线上的流水线计数器的设计。
分析本设计各个模块的功能,并用 Keil uVision4进行程序编译,在Protues上绘制总电路图,并将程序放到AT89C51单片机主控芯片进行电路仿真,对其进行分析,总结仿真结果。

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1论文的研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外的发展现状 1
1.3论文中的主要工作 2
第2章 系统总体设计 3
2.1设计要求 3
2.2论文整体构思 3
第3章 系统硬件设计 5
3.1光电传感器 5
3.1.1光电传感器选型 5
3.1.2光电传感器原理 7
3.2主控芯片单片机 7
3.2.1AT89S51单片机的功能 7
3.2.2部分管脚说明 7
3.2.3部分管脚说明 8
3.2.4时钟电路 9
3.2.5复位电路 10
3.2.6计数功能 12
3.3采集电路 13
3.3.1光电传感器检测部分 14
3.3.2键盘部分 14
3.4 LED数码管显示电路 15
3.5报警电路设计 18
第4章 系统软件设计 20
4.1软件设计总体思路 20
4.2.1主程序流程图 20
4.2.2 光电传感器采集计数程序 22
4.2.3 显示子程序设计 23
4.2.4 按键程序设计 24
4.3电路图设计 25
4.3.1Proteus软件介绍 25
4.3.2 总电路图 25
4.4编译软件介绍 27
4.4.1 Keil C51软件介绍 27
4.4.2 系统概述 27
4.5仿真及结果分析 27
第5章 结论 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
附录1电路图 35
附录2 程序代码 36