摘 要
随着社会的不断发展,越来越多的人们离开家乡涌进了城市,使城市变得越来越拥挤,同时伴随着越来越多的安全事件的发生,人们的安全隐患意识不断提高。作为生活中保卫我们生活时间最为长久的家的第一道防线的门禁系统引起了人们的高度重视。根据门禁系统的特性,我们可将其与巡更系统巧妙结合起来。巡更系统的存在意义是方便上层管理人员对巡更人员以及巡更工作的监督与管理,使工作更加有效便利,利用门禁系统进行一定改变可以很好地实现巡更机功能。因此我们可将其视为门禁系统的一个变种,是门禁系统的巧妙应用。本文以单片机与无线IC卡为基础进行设计,将门禁机与巡更机合二为一,以STC89C52 单片机作为门禁巡更单片机系统的“大脑”,辅以声光警示模块、读卡器模块、门禁控制模块以及液晶显示模块等构成门禁巡更系统。该无线IC卡门禁系统设计分为硬件电路设计以及软件程序编写组成。硬件设计部分以单片机与射频识别模块为主,通过这两大模块实现对射频卡的控制与MCU之间的互通,同时通过时钟芯片和液晶显示屏实现实时时钟与显示功能。软件部分则通过相应程序的编写与IC卡之间的通信,实现数据交换等功能。在系统没有到无线IC卡时,液晶显示模块会显示模块显示实时时间;当人们使用无线IC卡刷卡进门时,门禁控制器会根据卡的正确与否显示不同的内容。并将信息保存起来。最后并以Proteus仿真设计软件进行仿真与实物制作证明该设计性能优良,能很好实现预想功能。
With the continuous development of society, more and more people have left their hometowns to flood the city, making the city more and more crowded. At the same time, with the occurrence of more and more security incidents, people’s awareness of potential safety hazards continues to increase. As the first line of defense in life to defend our longest living home, the access control system has attracted people's attention. According to the characteristics of the access control system, we can ingeniously combine it with the patrol system. The significance of the patrol system is to facilitate the supervision and management of the patrolling personnel and the patrol work by the upper management personnel, so as to make the work more effective and convenient. Using the access control system to make certain changes can well implement the patrol function. Therefore, we can regard it as a variant of the access control system, which is the clever application of the access control system. This article is based on the microcontroller and wireless IC card based design, the access control machine and patrol machine combined into one, with STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the access control patrol microcontroller system "brain", supplemented by sound and light warning module, reader module, The access control module and the liquid crystal display module constitute the access guard patrol system. The wireless IC card access control system design is divided into hardware circuit design and software program composition. The hardware design part is mainly composed of single-chip microcomputer and radio frequency identification module. Through these two modules, the control of the radio frequency card and intercommunication between the MCU are realized. At the same time, real-time clock and display functions are realized through the clock chip and the liquid crystal display. The software part realizes data exchange and other functions through the communication between the corresponding program and the IC card. When the system does not have a wireless IC card, the liquid crystal display module will display the real time of the module display. When people use the wireless IC card to swipe into the door, the access controller will display different contents according to whether the card is correct or not. Save the information. Finally, simulation and physical production with Proteus simulation design software prove that this design has excellent performance and can well realize the expected function.
Keywords:MCU,Access control patrol system, wireless IC card, simulation, physical production
1.4 设计要求
2.1 门禁巡更单片机设计原理

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 门禁系统基本概念 1
1.2 背景及意义 1
1.3 研究现状 2
1.4 设计要求 2
第2章 门禁巡更单片机系统设计 3
2.1 门禁巡更单片机设计原理 3
2.2 硬件电路设计 3
2.2.1 STC89C52单片机主控模块 3
2.2.2 DS1302时钟芯片 4
2.2.3 LCD1602液晶显示模块 5
2.2.4 其他外围辅助电路 6
2.2.5 仿真电路图及电路原理图 7
2.3 门禁巡更单片机系统软件设计 7
2.3.1系统总体软件设计 7
2.3.2 LCD1602显示模块程序设计 8
2.3.3读卡过程软件设计 11
2.4 本章小结 11
第3章 仿真与实物制作 12
3.1 PROTEUS软件仿真 12
3.1.1 PROTEUS仿真软件简单介绍 12
3.1.2 仿真过程 12
3.1.3PROTEUS仿真小结 15
3.2实物验证 16
3.2.1实物制作 16
3.2.2实物调试 17
3.2.3门禁系统实物功能检验 17
3.3 章节小结 18
4 总结 19
参考文献 20
附录 21
致谢 32