来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716884 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716884
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Water heater is an essential household appliance in people's life. Whether it is a bath water heater or a faucet type water heater used in a wash basin, it has been widely used in people's lives. In the cold north, people are inseparable from the dependence on water heaters. Among them, simple, safe and convenient electric water heaters are the mainstream products on the market. In order to allow the water heater to achieve intelligent control, that is automatically open and stop the heating mode, so that the water temperature is maintained at a constant value, without human intervention, the main research content of this design is the DS18B20 temperature sensor detection temperature, microcontroller temperature detection using the detection temperature, A water heater thermostat system that is not only economical but also highly efficient is produced. The DS18B20 in the system transmits the measurement temperature to the SCM. The SCM controls the opening and closing of the SSR in real time according to the temperature conditions to control whether the heating bar is heated. The result of the research shows that a single-chip microcomputer with DS18B20 sensor can design a water heater intelligent constant temperature system. This research result has important guiding significance for the improvement of the constant temperature system of water heaters. The characteristics of this design: Although there are many ways to implement the water heater thermostat system, the current mainstream implementation methods have the disadvantages of high cost and complicated principle; the solution adopted in this design is very simple to implement both hardware and software. While reducing costs, it also ensures the accuracy of temperature control.
Key Words:MCU;Water heater thermostat system;Intelligent constant temperature

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景、目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题研究内容及预期目标 2
1.3.1 课题研究内容 2
1.3.2 预期目标 3
第2章系统总体方案设计与论证 4
2.1 单片微控制器方案的选择与论证 4
2.1.1 采用STM32F103微控制器 4
2.1.2 采用STC89C52微控制器 5
2.2 温度检测模块方案的选择与论证 5
2.2.1 采用热电偶测温 5
2.2.2 采用温度芯片DS18B20测温 5
2.3 温控模块方案的选择与论证 6
2.3.1 采用PID进行温控 6
2.3.2 采用继电器进行温控 6
2.4 按键功能模块方案的选择与论证 7
2.4.1 采用矩阵键盘 7
2.4.2 采用独立键盘 7
2.5 温度显示模块方案的选择与论证 8
2.5.1 采用LCD显示温度 8
2.5.2 采用数码管显示温度 8
2.6 加热器方案的选择与论证 9
2.6.1 采用“热得快”加热 9
2.6.2 采用加热棒加热 9
第3章系统总体硬件电路设计 10
3.1 系统硬件框图设计 10
3.2 硬件模块电路设计 11
3.2.1单片机最小系统 11
3.2.2 温度检测模块 11
3.2.3 温度控制模块 12
3.2.4 按键功能模块 13
3.2.5 温度报警模块 13
3.2.6温度显示模块 14
第4章单片机程序设计 17
4.1 主程序的设计 17
4.2温度获取并转换子程序 18
4.3温度读取子程序 19
4.4 温度显示子程序 20
4.5温度处理子程序 21
4.6 独立按键扫描子程序 22
4.7定时器中断子程序 23
第5章系统仿真调试 25
5.1 仿真软件Protues 25
5.2系统仿真调试过程 25
5.2.1系统温度控制仿真调试 26
5.2.2 按键功能仿真调试 28
5.3系统仿真调试结果 31
第6章实物制作及演示 32
6.1 实物制作 32
6.2 实物演示 33
6.2.1 温度控制演示 33
6.2.2 按键功能演示 35
第7章结论 37
参考文献 38
附录A 设计程序 40
致谢 47