In recent years, with the continuous development of electronic technology and information technology, the application of micro-computer technology is constantly changing our lives, voice processing technology has become a relatively popular research topic, the wide application of the technology makes the life of human To the more intelligent. The content of this research is based on the single-chip voice storage and playback system design, through the single-chip voice signal digital processing, to achieve voice recording and playback capabilities. The system through the microphone for sound collection, and then use the amplifier circuit and filter circuit to amplify and filter the signal, and finally through the microcontroller control A/D conversion, to achieve digital processing of voice signals, the data stored in the SD card, thus completing the Voice storage. System sound playback, the microcontroller uses the same frequency for D/A conversion, the sound signal recovery, and then through the power amplifier circuit to promote the speaker to play the sound. Through the system software and hardware reasonable design, continuous debugging and optimization system, you can achieve the sound recording and playback functions, complete the system design tasks.
Keywords: single chip, SD card, voice, filter

第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景和研究的意义 1
1.2课题研究的现状 1
1.3课题研究的主要内容 2
第2章 系统方案的论证和设计 3
第3章 系统的硬件设计 5
3.1 麦克风电路 5
3.2 前置放大电路 6
3.3 滤波器电路 7
3.4 单片机控制电路 9
3.5 A/D转换电路 11
3.6 D/A转换电路 11
3.7 末级功率放大电路 14
3.8 存储器电路 15
3.9 电源电路 16
3.10 按键和LED指示灯 17
第4章 系统的软件设计 18
4.1 程序总流程图 18
4.2 子程序设计 20
4.2.1 定时器程序 20
4.2.2 A/D转换程序 21
4.2.3 D/A转换程序 21
4.2.4 SD卡读写程序 22
4.2.5 SPI通讯 23
4.3主程序的设计 24
第5章 系统调试 26
5.1 硬件电路的搭建和焊接 26
5.2 语音输入模块的调试 27
5.3 语音输出模块的测试 28
5.4 系统录音和播音测试 30
总结 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
附录A 原理图 35