摘 要
Semiconductor refrigeration, also known as thermoelectric refrigeration, is a type of refrigeration that produces a low temperature when a semiconductor cooling material passes through a direct current. In this paper, the main design semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system, using AT89S52 single chip microcomputer as the core processor, connect the temperature control system of temperature acquisition module, display module, the key control module and driving module. Temperature acquisition module uses DS18B20 as temperature sensor, the temperature signal collect target environment and passed to the single chip microcomputer, through the system of internal control algorithm for processing, the single chip microcomputer output control signal, through driving circuit to drive, the semiconductor refrigeration refrigeration material, at the same time temperature real-time signal acquisition circuit feedback, so as to achieve the thermostatic control function of system. In this case, the system can display the constant temperature of the Settings on the display, and the keypad control module can be used to increase and reduce the temperature. In this system, the PID control algorithm is the central part of the whole control, not only the design of the algorithm is simple, but also can be controlled in a stable way.
Key Words:Singlechip;Temperature control;Semiconductor refrigeration;PID; Temperature sensor

第1章绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 1
1.2 半导体制冷技术的原理 1
1.3 半导体制冷的优越性和发展前景 2
第2章系统整体设计方案 3
2.1 半导体制冷恒温控制系统的系统框图 3
2.2 系统温度传感器的确定 3
2.3 半导体制冷片型号的选择 4
2.4 单片机型号的确定 4
2.5 显示模块的确定 5
2.6 核心控制算法的确定 5
第3章系统的硬件设计 8
3.1 系统硬件设计框图 8
3.2 温度采集模块设计 9
3.2.1 温度传感器DS18B20功能介绍 9
3.2.2 温度传感器DS18B20工作方式 10
3.2.3 温度采集电路设计 10
3.3 系统显示电路的设计 10
3.3.1 数码管工作原理 10
3.3.2 显示模块电路设计 12
3.4 按键控制电路设计 13
3.5 D/A转换模块设计 14
3.5.1 TLC5615芯片工作原理 14
3.5.2 D/A转换电路 16
3.6 功率驱动电路设计 16
第4章系统的软件设计 19
4.1 系统主程序设计 19
4.2 温度采集程序设计 20
4.3 按键控制程序设计 22
4.4 温度PID控制算法设计 24
第5章控制系统PID算法仿真 27
5.1 PID参数整定方法 27
5.2 PID参数整定与仿真 28
第6章总结 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35