关键词:电子负载 单片机 恒流
Electronic load can simulate the real environment of the electricity components, he was the principle of control power MOS field effect transistor conduction depth, by the MOS tube power dissipation power consumption to detect the load voltage and current to detect power performance. It has four working modes: constant current, constant voltage, constant power and constant resistance.
In order to meet the design requirements, to achieve the design of hardware and software combined with the electronic load system, the design uses the STC89C52 microcontroller as the control core.The electronic load consists of hardware and software components of the hardware, including: power module,keyboard input module, microcontroller module, A / D current and voltage sampling module, D / A conversion module, the display output;The software part includes: current and voltage sampling program, keyboard input program,PI regulator algorithm,display program, D / A conversion program.
Constant current type of electronic load is controlled by the PI regulator MOS tube conduction angle to ensure that the circuit current stability. Work mode is: first through the keyboard processing program to scan the keyboard input information into the microcontroller, while A / D current and voltage sampling program to collect both ends of the sampling resistor real-time voltage and passed to the microcontroller, the PI regulator in the microcontroller will compare the real-time voltage and set value,to get the control signal, and then control the signal D / A conversion, through the power amplifier to amplify and pass to the MOS tube.Using two ratios to control the conduction capacity of the MOS tube so that the electronic load in the constant current mode of operation, and finally the collected current and voltage through the A / D conversion, sent to the display.
Key Words:Electronic Load;Microcontrollers;Constant current

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景及目的 1
1.2 项目意义 1
1.3 国内外研究状况 1
第2章 电子负载系统设计方案 3
2.1 电子负载工作原理 3
2.1.1 恒流(CC)模式 3
2.1.2 恒圧(CV)模式 3
2.1.3 恒阻(CR)模式 4
2.1.4 恒功率(CP)模式 4
2.2系统设计要求 4
2.3系统设计方案论证 5
2.4 系统具体设计方案 6
第3章 电子负载硬件系统设计 8
3.1 核心处理器简介 8
3.2显示模块设计 8
3.3 键盘输入模块设计 9
3.4 A/D转换采样电路设计 10
3.4.1 电流采样电路 11
3.4.2 电压采样电路 11
3.5 D/A转换模块设计 12
3.6 负反馈控制模块的设计 13
3.7 保护电路设计 14
3.7.1 过压保护 14
3.7.2 过流保护 15
3.8 电源模块设计 15
第4章 电子负载软件系统设计 17
4.1 D/A转化程序设计 17
4.2 PID算法 19
4.2.1 PID算法选择 19
4.2.2 PID参数整定 20
4.3 A/D采样程序设计 22
第5章 系统仿真与调试 24
5.1 硬件仿真与调试 24
5.2软件仿真与测试 24
5.3 软硬件结合仿真调试 25
5.4 仿真结果 26
5.4.1 MATLAB仿真PID算法 26
5.4.2 Proteus仿真软硬件 27
第6章 总结与展望 29
6.1 总结 29
6.2 展望 29
参考文献 31
附录A 硬件电路图 32
附录B 软件主程序 35
致谢 54