With the production of electronic products in the modern world, a variety of electronic products after another, whether it is mobile phones, cars, or computers, measuring the quality of these electronic products have a common standard is the battery, the basic market fundamentals Are rechargeable batteries, but whether efficient and fast to the battery charge or a difficult to overcome the problem. Some time ago Samsung mobile phone bombings, as well as more previous events when the iphone charge explosion is to give people a wake-up call.
This paper designs a constant-voltage constant-current charging system based on single-chip microcomputer, which is different from the general hardware protection chip in the market. This paper adopts 51 single-chip and MOS tube design and hardware software, by adjusting the duty cycle of PWM signal generated by single chip microcomputer Than to change the voltage across the load, can make the load at both ends of the voltage and current remained constant, to achieve a stable and efficient charging process, to achieve the design purpose.
Key words:constant voltage;constant current;PWM;charging system single chip;MOS tube

第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的意义和背景 1
1.2充电技术的研究现状和国内外发展趋势 2
1.3本文的主要结构 2
第二章 充电理论基础及设计框架 3
2.1恒压恒流充电理论基础 3
2.2 PWM波技术 4
2.3 总体设计方案流程框架 5
2.4 经济性分析 5
2.5 本章小结 6
第3章 主要硬件设计 7
3.1微处理器的选择使用 7
3.2 驱动电路的方案选择 7
3.2.1 MOS管驱动模块方案 8
3.2.2图腾柱电路方案 8
3.2.3 CMOS门电路方案 9
3.3 电子开关的选择 10
3.4 传感器的选择 10
3.5 AD转换芯片的选择 11
3.6 驱动电路及负载调节电路 12
3.7 本章小结 12
第4章 整体软件设计 13
4.1 下位机程序整体流程 13
4.2 主要子程序流程介绍 14
4.2.1 PWM占空比调节程序 14
4.2.2 TM7705采样程序 14
4.2上位机软件总体设计 15
4.3 串口配置模块设计 16
4.4 数制转换模块设计 17
4.5 上位机前面板 17
4.6 本章小结 18
第5章 实验数据处理与误差 19
5.1 整体实物图 19
5.2 实验数据分析 20
5.2.1 调节占空比实验 20
5.2.2 不同负载值测量数据 22
5.3实物演示图 22
5.4 本章小结 23
第六章 结论 24
参考文献 25
附录 26
附录A 硬件电路图 26
附录B 程序清单 26
致谢 27