The temperature parameter plays a more important role in our modern daily life. How to control the temperature efficiently and accurately has become an urgent problem in the real-life production. At present, foreign technology is more advanced than domestic technology in this area of temperature control, especially in this area of smart home system.In the future,the temperature control system based on single-chip will develop toward the multi-point, multi-functional, intelligent direction, andhas a very extensive applied foreground. Temperature control system will be used in our daily life andmake our life more convenient.
The paper designs a temperature control system, which is equipped a STC89C52 as the control core, a digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and a LCD1602 liquid crystal. First of all, the paper discusses the device selection of every module and introduce the hardware principles. Then, the paper provides circuit simulation design of every module, and the ideas of software programming to realize the function. Finally, the paper confirms the feasibility of the system by the physical display of the hardware.
Key Words: temperature control system, single chip, DS18B2

摘要 I
第1章绪言 1
1.1研究的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 温控系统国内外研究现状 1
1.2.2温控技术存在问题 2
1.3章节安排 3
第2章单片机温控系统的硬件原理 4
2.1温控系统硬件设计方案论证 4
2.1.1硬件总体设计 4
2.1.2系统主要器件选择 5
2.2温控系统各模块硬件电路原理 7
2.2.1单片机处理模块 7
2.2.2温度显示模块 11
2.2.3温度传感器模块 13
2.2.4温度报警模块 16
2.2.5键盘控制模块 17
2.2.6温度控制模块 17
第三章温控系统的软件设计及实现 19
3.1温控系统的软件总体设计 19
3.2温控系统各模块软件设计 20
3.2.1温度传感器模块 20
3.2.2温度显示模块 22
3.2.3温度控制模块 23
3.3单片机温控系统的实现 24
3.3.1温控系统实物展示 24
3.3.2温控系统结果分析 25
第4章总结与展望 26
4.1论文工作总结 26
4.2未来工作展望 26
参考文献 28
附录A:系统仿真图 30
附录B:主要程序 33
致谢 49