摘 要
本文先根据设计要求做出了系统设计方案,然后再设计硬件电路的实现方案,最后完成系统软件的设计和调试,做出系统实物。本系统设计采用基于ARM Cortex-M3内核的STM32微控制器STM32F103C8T6作为主控芯片,用于系统控制传感器识别气体,采用MQ-4传感器模块采集甲烷浓度值,采用MQ-135传感器模块采集硫化氢浓度值,采用MQ-7传感器模块采集一氧化碳浓度值,数据经单片机的AD转换显示在0.96寸OLED液晶屏上,为了使系统使用更加人性化,设计3个按键来设置三种不同气体的报警阈值,当超过阈值时启动声光报警。
Energy is the material basis of human activities, in which fossil energy is China's main energy, in the mining process, some harmful gases will be released into the environment, when the gas concentration is too high will have some side effects on the human body. Real-time identification of harmful gases, detection of gas concentration and make gas warning, to reduce the occurrence of mine safety accidents is particularly important. In this research background, this paper designed a real-time detection of methane, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide concentration of gas identification system.
This paper first made a system design according to the design requirements, and then design the hardware circuit to achieve the program, and finally complete the system software design and debugging, make the system in kind.The system is designed based on ARM Cortex-M3 core STM32 microcontroller STM32F103C8T6 as the master chip, used for system control sensor to identify the gas, adopt the MQ-4 sensor module to collect the methane concentration value, adopt the MQ-135 sensor module to collect the hydrogen sulfide concentration value, adoptthe MQ-7 sensor module to collect carbon monoxide concentration value,the data by the micrcontroller AD conversion display in the 0.96-inch OLED LCD screen, in order to make the system more user-friendly, the design of three buttons to set the alarm threshold of three different gases, when the threshold is exceeded, the sound and light alarm is activated.
The results show that the system can realize the real-time detection of methane, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide three kinds of gas concentration, and display in the OLED LCD screen, the gas concentration exceeds the alarm threshold to start the sound and light alarm function. Finally, this paper points out the shortcomings of the system and points out the research direction of the system.
Key Words: gas identification; embedded; AD conversion;audible alarm

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景以及研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3 论文主要内容和章节安排 2
1.3.1 论文主要内容 2
1.3.2 论文章节安排 2
第2章 系统方案设计 4
2.1 设计要求 4
2.2 设计方案选择 4
2.2.1 主控制器 4
2.2.2 气体采集方案 5
2.2.3 液晶显示方案 5
第3章 硬件系统设计 7
3.1 硬件系统框图 7
3.2 最小系统电路设计 7
3.2.1 STM32F103C8T6介绍 7
3.2.2复位电路设计 9
3.2.3 稳压电路设计 9
3.2.4 JTAG调试接口电路设计 10
3.2.5 时钟电路设计 11
3.2.6 USB接口电路设计 12
3.3 电源电路设计 12
3.4 气体检测传感器模块 13
3.5OLED液晶显示模块 15
3.6 蜂鸣器报警电路 16
3.7 LED报警电路 16
第4章 软件系统设计 18
4.1 RealView MDK5集成开发环境简介 18
4.2 软件系统主流程图 18
4.3 AD软件实现算法研究 21
4.4 按键程序设计 24
4.4.1 按键检测扫描方案 24
4.4.2 按键功能设计 24
4.5 OLED液晶显示软件实现 25
第5章 系统调试及结果 29
5.1 硬件系统调试 29
5.2 软件系统调试 29
5.3 系统展示 31
5.3.1 系统实物图 31
5.3.2 系统测试结果 32
第6章 结论 36
参考文献 38
附 录 39
致 谢 40