摘 要
整个系统由温湿度传感器 、 单片机、HX-M02WiFi模块、上位机PC组成,由 将采集到的温湿度数据通过单总线传输给单片机,单片机再通过WiFi模块将数据传输给PC端。整个系统具有操作简单,使用方便,适用性强,拓展性高等特点。
In industrial production, most of the product’s production process is required to stabilize the temperature and humidity parameters in a certain value or in accordance with the laws of change. However, in the actual production process, due to various reasons (such as: external interference, etc.), temperature and humidity tend to deviate from the given value or not in accordance with the requirements of the law of change. So we need to take some methods to measure the temperature and humidity data accurately, and then make the artificial or automatic adjustment to the temperature and humidity which based on the measured data.
This paper analyzes industrial detection technology and the system and technology of wireless transmission which are commonly used.In view of the shortcomings of the traditional temperature and humidity detection technology wiring complex, inconvenient maintenance, remote communication difficulties, the WiFi wireless communication technology is applied to the granary temperature and humidity control system, and puts forward a scheme based on WiFi technology and MCU 51 industrial temperature and humidity measurement and control system.
The whole system is composed by DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, stc89c52rc MCU, the module HX-M02wifi, host computer PC.The data of temperature and humidity which is collected by DHT11 transfers to the MCU by single bus, MCU will transmit the data through the WiFi module to the PC. The whole system has the advantages of simple operation, easily use, strong applicability, high expansibility and so on.
Key Words:Industrial inspection; temperature and humidity sensor; wireless data transmission; 51 single chip microcomputer; WiFi Technology

第1章 绪论 1
1.1目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3基本内容及预期目标 2
第2章 系统总体设计 3
2.1系统功能设计 3
2.2系统设计原则 3
2.3检测系统整体结构 3
2.3.1系统整体模式 3
2.3.2传感器选择 4
2.3.3 IEEE802.11(WiFi)技术 4
2.3.4系统开发语言选择 5
2.4 本章小结 5
第3章 温湿度检测系统硬件电路设计 6
3.1单片机的选择 6
3.1.1单片机概述 6
3.1.2 STC89C52RC芯片 6
3.1.3 STC89C52RC引脚功能 6
3.2系统时钟电路设计 8
3.3复位电路设计 9
3.4温湿度传感器的选择 10
3.4.1 DHT11概述 12
3.4.2 DHT11引脚说明 12
3.4.3 DHT11连接电路 12
3.4.4 DHT11数据传输格式 13
3.5 WiFi模块选择 13
3.6 电平转换模块 14
3.7实物展示 15
3.8本章小结 16
第4章 温湿度检测系统软件设计 17
4.1主程序部分 17
4.2温湿度测量程序 18
4.2.1读取一个字节数据子程序 20
4.2.2温湿度读取子程序 22
4.3 从机通信程序 23
4.3.1串口初始化 23
4.3.2串口通信函数 24
4.4 上位机界面 24
4.5本章小结 26
结论 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29