Intravenous infusion is one of the most commonly used treatment methods in today's clinical treatment. It can not only infuse drugs to patients, but also supplement body fluids and nutrition. In the process of infusion, the infusion velocity is an important indicator, which needs to be determined according to the patient's physique, drug characteristics and other factors. Now the infusion device in the hospital can not meet this demand. The flow velocity is set by experience and unstable, and the abnormal situation is not easy to find. Medical accidents often occur, which makes the doctor-patient relationship tense. An intelligent infusion system is urgently needed. To solve this problem.
This paper designs an intelligent infusion system based on STC89C52 single chip computer. The system consists of STC89C52 single chip computer circuit, key circuit, infrared tube module circuit, LCD 1602 circuit, ULN2003 stepper motor drive circuit and power circuit. It can realize the real-time monitoring and control of the drip speed in the process of infusion, keep the drip speed at the set standard value, and alarm and stop infusion when the infusion is over or abnormal. The system has the ability of accurate detection and control, high expansibility, greatly improves the safety of patients'infusion, also reduces the workload of medical staff, and achieves the desired purpose.
Key Words: intravenous infusion; microcontroller; drip speed detection; drip speed control

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2课题研究的现状及发展趋势 2
1.2.1输液系统发展历程 2
1.2.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 3
1.3主要研究内容和本文章节安排 3
第2章智能输液系统总体方案设计 5
2.1静脉输液理论 5
2.2系统需求分析 5
2.3系统设计方案 6
2.4系统方案论证与比较 7
2.4.1单片机系统选取 7
2.4.2液滴检测方案选取 7
2.4.3剩余液体检测方案选取 8
2.4.4输液速度控制方案选取 8
2.4.5驱动方案选取 9
第3章智能输液系统硬件设计 10
3.1系统硬件开发原则 10
3.2系统硬件设计 10
3.2.1滴速检测模块设计 11
3.2.2滴速控制模块设计 12
3.2.3报警模块设计 13
3.2.4单片机控制模块设计 13
3.2.5电源模块设计 14
3.2.6按键模块设计 15
第4章智能输液系统软件设计与实现 16
4.1软件开发工具介绍 16
4.2系统软件设计 18
4.2.1系统主程序设计 18
4.2.2滴速测量与控制程序设计 20
第5章系统测试及结果分析 22
5.1滴速测量与控制准确性测试 22
5.1.1滴速测量准确性测试 22
5.1.2滴速控制准确性测试 23
第6章总结与展望 25
6.1工作总结 25
6.2工作展望 25
参考文献 26
附录 27
致谢 34