Whether in actual production or in real life, power frequency electricity plays an important role, and power frequency power has multiple parameters for measurement. In actual measurements, the rms value is the most commonly used parameter because it reflects the energy contained in a voltage. This time, the measurement is carried out by means of a single-chip microcomputer, and the effective value of the power frequency voltage is measured digitally and displayed by the LCD system. The measurement range is greatly increased, the measurement accuracy is improved, and the measurement is faster, making the measurement more convenient and accurate. This paper focuses on the voltage RMS measurement and display system based on single-chip microcomputer, introduces the principle of measurement and the specific implementation scheme; according to the actual design of the voltage signal processing circuit, clarifies its design principle and explains its main functions in detail; then explains A The working mode of the /D converter; clarifies the principle of the rms calculation of the single-chip microcomputer; and gives a brief description of the code of some specific functions.
Keywords: single chip, power frequency voltage, RMS measurement

第1章 绪论 1
1.1目的及意义 1
第2章 工频电压有效值测量原理及方法 3
2.1 工频电简介 3
2.2工频电压有效值的测量方案与比较 4
2.3工频电压有效值测量原理 5
第3章 工频电压有效值测量硬件电路的设计 6
3.1电源模块的设计 6
3.2 工频电压信号采集与处理模块 7
3.3 ADC0832介绍 10
3.4 单片机电路简介 12
3.5按键模块 13
3.6显示模块 14
第4章 工频电压有效值测量软件部分设计 16
4.1 工频电压有效值测量流程 16
4.2 A/D转换流程图 17
4.3 定时器部分设计 18
4.4 工频电压有效值的计算 20
第5章 系统调试与误差分析 21
第六章 总结与展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
附录 26