摘 要
With the increasing demand for electricity, the problem of power shortage is becoming more and more serious, which greatly restricts the development of social economy. In order to save electric energy and make rational and efficient use of electric energy, it is necessary to measure electric parameters accurately and in real time. This requires electronic technology support.
Electronic technology is based on the principles of electronics, using electronic components to design and manufacture a specific function of the circuit to solve practical problems of science, including information electronics technology and power electronics technology. Information electronics technology includes analog electronics technology and digital electronics technology. Electronic technology is the technology of processing electronic signals. The main ways of processing are signal generation, amplification, filtering and conversion.
In this paper, the principle of electric parameter measurement is discussed, and the single chip computer technology is used to replace a large number of hardware in traditional instruments with software. The maximum power frequency voltage is displayed digitally. Its accuracy and convenience are greatly improved. On this basis, the software and hardware development process of the whole system is introduced in detail. Finally, the error analysis of the system is carried out.
Key Words:Singlechip;Voltage;system design

目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1 工频电压最大值数字测量系统研究背景与意义 1
1.2 1.2单片机系统国外研究现状与内容 2
第2章工频电压最大值测量系统方案 4
2.1工频电压最大值测量系统基本内容与方案选择 4
第3章工频电压最大值数字测量系统的硬件电路设计 6
3.1放大电路模块 6
3.2交直流转换模块 7
3.3 A/D转换模块 8
3.3.1 A/D转换技术的基本介绍 8
3.3.2 A/D转换元件的主要特性 9
3.4单片机主电路模块 10
3.5显示模块 12
3.5.1 数据寄存器与发光二极管 12
3.5.2 LED译码方式与单片机连接设计 14
第4章工频电压最大值测量系统的软件设计 15
4.1主程序设计 15
4.2 系统子程序设计 16
第5章工频电压最大值测量系统的仿真结果与分析 21
5.1工频电压最大值测量系统的软件调试及编译 21
5.2工频电压最大值测量系统的硬件电路调试 22
第6章总结 24
参考文献 25
致谢 26
附录 27