摘 要
使用STC89C51单片机为核心控制罐体内温度、液位、压力,实现罐体环境的自动控制,通过键盘输入相关参数的上限值和下限值,精准地控制罐体系统的加热、加压、加水、报警动作,实现罐体环境控制。温度信号由温度芯片DS18B20采集,以数字信号的形式传送给单片机。压力信号由滑动变阻器模拟实时采集。液位信号利用U型管原理,通过浮漂带动滑动变阻器产生模拟信号,以模拟量的形式传送给A/D转换器,通过A/D转换器转换成数字信号,输送到单片机内,进行计算与处理后将温度、压力、液位信息显示在LCD1602显示器上。通过菜单键切换参数设置界面与参数显示界面,通过4个按键实现了上限值和下限值的输入。利用LED发光二极管模拟加热等动作,完美地实现了单片机对罐体环境的控制系统的设计, 取得了较好的控制效果。
STC89C51 microcontroller has been used as the core to control temperature, liquid level and pressure in the tank. The environment of tank could be automatically controlled. Related parameters’ upper limit and lower limit has been input through the keyboard.Heat, pressure, water, report to the police action has been precise controlled by system of tank. Tank environment control has been implemented.Temperature signal has been collected by temperature chip DS18B20.SCM receives the collected digital signal.Pressure signal has been collected by slide rheostat real-time.Liquid level signal has been colledted by using the theory of u-shaped tube.Analog signals have been drived by floating the slide rheostat.Analog has been transmitted to the A/D converter.The digital signal has been converted by A/D converter and Sent to the SCM.After calculation and processing, temperature, pressure, liquid level information has been displayed in the LCD1602 display.Parameters settings interface and display interface has been switched through the menu button. Through four keys to achieve the upper limit and lower limit of the input.The heating action has been simulated by LED.Tank environment has been controlled by the SCM perfectly.
Keywords: electrothermal boiler; STC89C51; DS18B20 temperature chips; A/D Conversion; Water pressure test.

目 录
第1章 概述 1
1.1选题的背景和目的 1
1.2系统方案综述 2
1.3本论文主要内容 2
第2章 系统硬件基础 3
2.1单片机的选择与基础介绍 3
2.2温度传感器基础介绍 8
2.3 A/D转换器基础介绍 12
2.4本章小结 14
第3章 硬件电路设计 15
3.1 Proteus仿真 20
3.2复位电路 24
3.3时钟电路 24
3.4显示电路 25
3.5按键部分电路 27
3.6温度传感器 17
3.7水位和压力检测及控制电路 15
3.8 PCB板制作及焊接 29
3.9本章小结 31
第4章 软件的设计 32
4.1 系统总体软件 32
4.2 总程序 32
4.3 子程序 33
4.4本章小结 40
第5章 系统调试及结果分析 41
5.1系统硬件调试 41
5.2系统软件调试 42
5.3系统综合调试 43
5.4结果分析 44
5.5本章小结 44
结论 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47