摘 要
In the energy crisis today, the new green energy, environmental protection and new energy by the attention of countries all over the world at the same time, has also been a large-scale application. Electric vehicle energy crisis resolution and atmospheric pollution control to provide a better solution. As an important part of the electric car, how to develop the good performance of the intelligent charger, to the electric car industry development has important significance.
The STC89C52 control system design of a intelligent charger, detection of current and voltage sensor, when detecting the charging voltage and high current setting value, automatically disconnect the charging circuit. The design consists of two parts, hardware and software, the hardware design of the smallest single-chip system, voltage and current sampling circuit, charging control circuit, key circuit, LCD display circuit, alarm circuit design, the controller with voltage, current detection, system parameters show that automatic power-off control; software design of the controller software driver design. And the Protues software for feasibility simulation, software and hardware design verification.
Key words: controller; charger; battery

目 录
一、绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2国内研究现状 1
1.电池技术得发展 1
2.充电技术的发展 1
1.3研究的内容及结构安排 2
二、系统设计方案分析 3
2.1设计目标 3
2.2设计思想 3
2.2.1硬件实现原理 3
2.2.2软件实现原理 3
2.3主要器件选型 4
2.3.1主控器选型 4
2.3.2按键模块选择 5
2.3.3显示电路选择 5
2.3.4报警模块选择 5
2.3.5供电方式选择 6
2.3.6传感器选型 6
2.4 系统总体框架 6
三、 系统硬件设计 8
3.1单片机最小系统 8
3.1.1 单片机最小系统 8
3.2 充电控制电路 10
3.3显示电路设计 11
3.4按键电路设计 11
3.5充电控制电路设计 11
3.6报警电路设计 12
3.7传感器采集电路设计 13
3.7.1电流变送器介绍 13
3.7.2传感器采集电路设计 14
四、系统软件设计 15
4.1主程序设计 15
4.2充电界面显示子程序设计 16
4.2设置目标充电电压程序 16
4.3设置目标充电电流程序 17
五、系统仿真 18
5.1仿真软件介绍 18
5.2仿真建立步骤 18
5.3仿真原理图设计 18
5.4仿真原理介绍 19
5.5仿真运行结果分析 20
总结 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23