摘 要
The design is based on single-chip technology, realize the measurement of the distance in front of the object, to achieve sonic logging functions from real-time display.Analysis and calculation processing according to the strong point of the ultrasound energy consumption slow propagation distance in the medium characteristics, the use of the ultrasonic wave sensor for sensing objects in front, a program for the microc through the ultrasonic transducer transmitting and receiving ultrasonic signals, and finally the treatment results are displayed on LCD1602. STC89C52 microcontroller ultrasonic ranging system which based on ultrasonic wave propagation in the air reflection principle, the ultrasonic sensor as the interface components, the use of ultrasonic propagation time difference in the air to measure the distance to design a set of ultrasonic detection system. The system is designed primarily consists of four basic modules main controller module, an ultrasonic transmitter module, display module and the ultrasonic receiver module, with the receiving section receiving the ultrasonic wave. This design uses the formula S = T × V / 2 (V as ultrasonic wave propagation velocity, the design setpoint 340m / s), after a single-chip processing to get the distance value S and by LCD1602 display, and has a temperature measurement function, acoustic the speed of real-time correction to achieve precise range.
Keywords:STC89C52; Separate keyboard; LCD display tubes,;Buzzer

目 录
第1章 概述 1
1.1 目的和意义 1
1.2 研究概况及国内外发展趋势 1
1.3课题研究的主要内容 2
第2章 总体方案论证及设计 3
2.1 主控模块的选型和论证 3
2.2 显示模块的选型和论证 3
2.3 测距模块的选型和论证 4
2.4 温度检测模块的选型和论证 4
2.5 系统整体设计概述 4
第3章 系统的硬件结构选择 6
3.1 主控模块 6
3.2 LCD液晶器简介 10
3.3 键盘模块的设计 14
3.4 DS18B20温度传感器 14
3.5 超声波测距模块 17
3.6 温度校正电路 22
第4章 系统软件设计流程 25
4.1计算距离程序 25
4.2超声波发生程序 25
4.2程序设计原理 26
4.3软件去抖 27
第5章 系统软硬件软件调试分析 30
5.1 程序设计 30
5.2系统的软件及硬件调试 30
5.3 误差产生原因分析 31
5.4 本章小结 33
结 论 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 35
附录A 电路原理图 38
附录B 仿真原理图 39
附录C 实物照片图 40
附录D 系统源程序 42