摘 要
关键字: AT89C51 1602液晶 出租车计价器
Automatic taximeter has been universal among Cities for now. The taximeter technology is a foregone conclusion already. So taximeter of cars is still potential at next generation. As an important component taximeter is not only the interests of taxi drivers but also the passengers, so it has played an important role. The good performed taximeter is necessary for the public. The current taxi billing systems don’t meet the wishes of people.
The design is based on a monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51 taxi billing design, with reset circuit, clocking circuit, keyboard circuit. Reset circuit is initialized, besides the normal operation of the initial dilemma, as a foreigner, through the reset circuit can start again. 12MHz adopts the clock circuit, as a system of crystal oscillator, higher clock source.The characters in the crystal that the initial 1602, charges, fees mileage waiting time, three buttons can be adjusted by charging fees, just waiting time, mileage. Through the simulation of the taxi, buttons, stop. Suspension In the liquid crystal display can run 1602, operation time, when suspension can be obtained by the computation of the total cost.here is mainly for the core controller, AT89C51 SCM P0 mouth after 1602 LCD module, P1 mouth after the keys, through the keystroke.
The study shows that this system has the characteristics of easy to sue, fast, safe and reliable. And it can be used some social fields such as family, hospital, tea house, KTV, restaurant, etc. In the market economic system, especially in the service industry, Using it that can be more saving staffs, money as well as trouble. What more it can improves the company’s efficiency, enhances the image of services, and brings economic benefits. So it can be used as electronic product to research and development, In my opinion, it has a good value of promotion.
Keyword: AT89C51 1602 LCD Taxi devices

1 绪论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 国内外相关研究情况 3
1.3 本课题的研究意义 3
1.4 本课题的主要内容 4
2设计方案及要求 5
2.1出租车计价器的功能分析 5
2.2 方案选择及确定 5
3 硬件电路设计 8
3.1单片机的介绍 8
3.2 单片机最小系统电路设计 10
3.2.1 振荡电路 11
3.2.2 复位电路 11
3.3 计费模块的设计 11
3.3.1 霍尔传感器介绍 12
3.3.2里程计费系统 12
3.4 显示模块的设计 13
3.5 时钟模块的设计 15
4 软件设计 16
4.1软件总体设计 17
4.2 程序模块设计 18
4.2.1 中断子程序 19
4.2.2判键子程序 19
4.2.3 显示子程序 20
5 检测与调试 21
5.1软件调试 22
5.1.1编程工具—C语言 22
5.1.2单片机程序仿真调试 22
5.2 里程计费测试 23
5.3掉电测试 24
结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 28
附录 29
附录A 元件件清单 30
附录B 原理图 30
附录C程序清单 31