摘 要
关键词:AT89C51单片机 SHT-11温湿度传感器 DS1302时钟芯片 数字控制电路
The design of the graduation design topic for the design of the potted flower automatic watering system, the design is divided into two parts, one is the soil temperature and humidity test and display part, this part is mainly composed of soil temperature and humidity detection and display of two parts, by the temperature and humidity sensor is its operation principle, this design USES the SHT) - 11 sensor to test the soil temperature and humidity, and the detection of information into the single chip microcomputer in processing, single chip microcomputer to deal with good information output to the LCD display. Is another part of the automatic watering system, the system design is divided into two aspects, one is the intelligent part of the advanced, this part is controlled by single chip microcomputer application, the single chip microcomputer to upper and lower limit set temperature and humidity, soil temperature and humidity sensors value compared to set the upper and lower limit of values below the lower limit of detection of water system, higher than the upper limit, watering system to stop; Another person needed for manual operation, from DS1302 chip MCU clock parts by artificial in real time and date/time to read, to determine the amount of water and watering time software program. Water storage tank and automatic water level alarm use clean the hardware control circuit, real-time, automatic water, low water level alarm water reservoir water level monitoring.
Keywords: AT89C51 SHT - 11 DS1302 clock chip digital circuits of temperature and humidity

目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
1、绪论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.2自动浇花器的诞生背景及国内外发展现状 1
1.3毕业设计所采用的研究方法和手段 2
2、AT89C51单片机 2
2.1 AT89C51单片机的基本组成 3
2.2 AT89C51主要特性 4
2.3管脚说明 5
2.4 AT89C51单片机的存储器 6
2.4.1 程序存储器 7
2.4.2 数据存储器 8
2.5 振荡电路和时钟 9
2.6 AT89C51的中断系统 10
2.6.1 中断系统结构和中断控制 10
2.6.2 中断响应过程 12
2.7 定时器/计数器 12
2.7.1 与定时器/计数器0和1相关的特殊功能寄存器 12
3、温湿度传感器 14
3.1 数字温湿度传感器SHT-11 14
3.2 SHT-11的传感器输出 15
3.2.1 湿度值输出 16
3.2.2 温度值输出 16
3.2.3 露点计算 17
3.2.4 非线性校正及温度补偿 17
3.3 SHT-11的特性 18
3.3.1 SHT-11的特点 18
3.3.2 SHT的详细规格 18
3.4 SHT-11的引脚 19
3.5 SHT-11的的内部命令与接口时序 20
3.5.1 SHT-11的内部命令 20
3.5.2 SHT-11的命令顺序及命令时序 20
3.5.3 SHT-11的状态寄存器 21
3.6 硬件接口 22
3.7 恢复处理 22
3.8 SHT-11的相关程序 22
4、DS1302时钟芯片 29
4.1 DS1302时钟芯片的简介 29
4.2 引脚 29
4.3 命令字节 30
4.4 DS1302的相关程序 32
5、液晶显示器LCD 36
5.1 液晶显示器的分类 36
5.2 AMPIRE 128×64 36
5.2.1 LCD 128×64引脚功能 37
5.2.2 KS0108控制器指令功能 38
6、盆花自动浇水系统的设计 39
6.1 土壤温湿度检测与控制 39
6.1.1 硬件电路设计 39
6.1.2 系统软件设计 43
6.2 蓄水箱自动供水系统 55
6.2.1基本的导电理论 56
6.2.2系统工作原理 56
6.2.3 系统硬件组成 57
6.2.4 系统电路连接 59
6.2.5 参数计算 60
6.2.6 水箱水位控制系统检测 60
7、总结 61
8、致谢 62
参考文献 63