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关键字:ADXL345三轴加速度传感器,计步器, STC 89C52
The Pedometer Design Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Electronic Information Science and Technology 2012-1 Hu lina
Supervisor Lv jier
Pedometer function can describes the use of people move to detect changes generated when the acceleration of steps, utilization of implementation scheme pedometer, small size, low power consumption, high ADXL345 three axis acceleration sensor, chip can put the data acquisition to internal data processing for the digital data acquisition to acceleration data, after appropriate algorithm can achieve plan step function. This paper introduces the design of a paragraph of the pedometer ADXL345 based on acceleration sensor. Introduces the software algorithm real pedometer while the SPI has integrated chip I²C interface, and I can be conveniently data transmission to the main control chip. The system is simple in design, realization convenient. The chip can also extend to other need to measure the applications。
KEY WORDS: STC89C52 ,ADXL345 ,pedometer

1引言 1
1.1计步器的发展背景 1
1.2 研究计步器的目的 1
1.3 目标 1
2系统总体设计 1
2.1 设计要求 1
2.2 总框图 2
2.3 传感器原理 2
2.4 传感器及加速度传感器的比较 2
2.5 传感器选择 4
2.6 ADXL335功能框图及特点 4
3 硬件电路设计 5
3.1 传感器电路连接模块 4
3.2 微处理模块 6
3.3显示模块 7
4软件设计 8
4.1 软件总体设计 8
5算法的实现 9
6制作与调试 10
6.1硬件单片机连接图 11
6.2硬件与软件协同调试 12
6.3 调试 13
6.4 实测及误差分析 13
7结论 14
致谢 15
参考文献 16