关键词:单片机 SHT11传感器 1602液晶显示屏 报警器
The temperature and humidity control has become a popular project in today's social studies. The traditional model is based on temperature and humidity testing people, Through the artificial testing. Not in conformity with the requirements of the temperature and humidity supply cooling, ventilation, to wet operation. This artificial testing time-consuming, the efficiency is low. Cut large randomness. Error. Therefore ,Using single chip microcomputer to control temperature and humidity, temperature control, wet with high precision and strong function, small volume, low price, advantages, such as simple nimble, meet the technological requirements.
This article through the use of AT89C51 microcontroller, SHT11 sensor module, 1602 LCD screen module and alarm module. Simple and clear implementation can be asked. SHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensors to the acquisition of temperature and humidity data to the microcontroller. The processing of single chip. Accurate displayed on the LCD panel. And the temperature and humidity on the set limit. And by the upper and lower buttons to set the temperature and humidity alarm threshold, when the actual temperature exceeds the threshold, the cooling relay will pull; when the actual temperature is below the lower threshold, heating relay will pull; when the actual humidity exceeds the threshold, dehumidification relay will pull; when the actual humidity is lower than the lower threshold, humidification relay will pull; at the same time the buzzer will alarm.
Keywords: Singlechip SHT11 sensor 1602 LCD screen Alar

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 1
1.3 课题研究的主要内容 1
1.4 课题研究的工作原理 2
2 系统总体设计方案 3
2.1 功能要求 3
2.2 设计思路 3
2.3 方案选择 3
2.3.1 传感器选择方案 3
2.3.2 显示器选择方案 4
2.3.3 单片机主芯片选择方案 4
2.4 总体设计框图 5
3 系统硬件设计 7
3.1 概述 7
3.2 主控模块设计 7
3.2.1 AT89C51芯片的简介 7
3.2.2 主控模块电路原理图 9
3.3 检测模块 10
3.3.1 SHT11传感器简介 10
3.3.2 SHT11温湿度传感器的主要特点 11
3.4 液晶显示模块 11
3.4.1 1602液晶显示屏简介 11
3.4.2 1602液晶显示模块电路原理图 14
3.5 报警模块 14
3.5.1 蜂鸣器介绍 14
3.5.2 蜂鸣器工作原理 14
4 系统软件设计 16
4.1 1602液晶显示模块设计 16
4.2 传感器模块 18
5 系统硬件仿真设计 19
5.1 单片机最小系统 19
5.2 温湿度检测电路的设计 19
5.3 按键电路设计 20
5.4 蜂鸣器电路的设计 20
5.5 仿真 21
5.5.1 温度设置界面 21
5.5.2 湿度设置界面 21
5.5.3 继电器动作 22
结论 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
附 录 26
附录A 程序清单 26
附录B 硬件原理图 42